Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Day Trip to Sg Rengit

ok la.. it's not a day trip.. rather a half day trip.. sparked by Mama's recent encounter to someone's blog last Friday tht shows their good time in Victoria's Station having a good lobster.. so VS is a bit out of question since it's so far.. so surf punye surf, papa decided tht we should pay a visit to sg rengit.. mmg dr dulu dah berangan nak pegi ramunia tp x penah smpi.. sg rengit is located some 100+km away from our house..

ni budak yg tgh excited nak pegi jalan.. we went out from the house around 2:30pm..

it was raining on our way to tiram.. a bit traffic..
stop by in teluk ramunia.. nothing much here..
bujang ni suka naaa buat muka camni skang bila soh senyum..

so now we were here.. dataran sg rengit.. it's a bit too early for dinner, since it's only 4 o'clock.. so pose2 skit dulu.. see their landmark.. bigggg lobster..

pantai sg rengit.. x de sape pun mandi sini.. kotor skit..
so next to our main agenda.. yeaaaaa.. lot's of ppl were here having their early dinner (or is it a very late lunch), though it's only 5+pm.. biggggg lobster, variety of price depending on the size.. they hv 6 aquariums like this..
our lobster.. initally we chose the biggest one, it was close to 1 kg each (we plan to take 2 eheheh).. but the lady who serves us advised us against it.. dia ckp mana bleh habis mkn 2 org besa2 sgt.. dia soh amek kecik skit.. eheheheh blushing skit org dah ckp camtu, so we decided to get the smaller one.. this 2 lobster weigh 1.3kg.. the one on papa's left looks bigger, but the truth is they were about the same size sbb yg sekor lagi dok gulung kan bdn..
the restaurant was packed tht evening.. but the meal arrives quite fast..

this is our fried baby squid..
this is lobster with cheese.. extremely good.. highly recommended.. hasif mkn byk banget eheheh..
this one is black pepper lobster..
hasif with the fried buns (intan, igt x, kita dok mkn bun ni dulu kt teluk jawa.. eheheh sama je rasa dia.. agak nye sume chinese seafood rest ada mendalah ni)..
we didn't order much since the lobstert is big, takut x abis.. ehehhe abis sume tinggal kulit lobster je..
this is the restaurant tht we had been to.. jade garden seafood rest.. veeeeeeery good and tasty.. highly recommended.. it received lots of good reviews on the internet.. and it is halal.. apparently some of the prominent ppl in the nations had dine here, including the tengku mahkota johor (based on the rows and rows of the photos on the wall of the restaurant).. price wise, ok we pay for wht we get.. the price is reasonable, slightly cheaper compared to tgif eheheh... so mak ngah, pak teh n pk su, next time u guys are in town, we shall save some moolah and drop by here..

overall, the place is quite far but it's all worth it.. sgt best.. next time we are going to try the steam lobster n the one with the chicken broth gravy.. yummy..


UmiZahran said...

blog ko nie asyik citer makan je. t'liur aku tgk lobster cheese tu. tp kalau ngan hubby aku sure dia xsuka cos dia anti sket cheese2 ni.

Ina said...

terliurnya tgk lobster tuh :D

Mama Hasif said...

tan.. tau la aku ni kan suka mkn.. tu yg asik ltk gamba mknn ehehehehe..

Mama Hasif said...

ina.. kg ina lg byk lobster kan.. sure dah biasa tgk :)