Tuesday, October 2, 2007

One Step Further..

Today is Hasif’s 1st day in nursery.. big decision that we had to make.. we are contemplating whether to choose babysitter or nursery.. previously we send him to the babysitter nearby.. she’s ok.. no other kids there.. only hasif.. not A Class babysitter though but the problem is she’s pregnant.. 5 months’ now n expected to give birth early Feb. next year.. apparently she gets pregnant when she care for hasif.. we searched high n low for a good babysitter or nursery.. n finally we decided to send him to Nuri.. hasif enroll for this Active Toddler Program.. the program sounds interesting n we decided to give it a try.. this is a special program tailored for infants.. hope it can justify the exorbitant price that they charge.. eheheh.. what makes it interesting is that the medium of communication there is in English.. so hasif will has the exposure to this language since early age.. anyway we really hope hasif will love this place n his teacher there..

ni la day care hasif yg baru..

ni beg ‘skolah’ hasif.. tp beg skolah hasif ni isik diapers ngan baju la instead of stationary n buku skolah.. eheheh..

yeaaaaaaaa.. ramai la kwn hasif nak main nanti..


Anonymous said...

Wah Hasif dah kene pegi skolah la. Hope Hasif suka skolah baru leh jmpa n main dgn ramai kawan2 ;)


Anonymous said...

ehehehe bebudak zaman skang ni ina.. kecik2 dah nak g skolah.. ehehehe.. tp elok la kot leh expose dia pd org ramai2 skit.. :D

Unknown said...

Looks like a fun place. Hope it is as fun as it looks.

Anonymous said...

yeah lian.. really hope tht hasif enjoy his time thr.. anyway so far so good..