Thursday, November 1, 2007

One Fine Day in the Hospital..

this is a very quick update after quite some times.. dekat dah nak bersawang pun dah blog ni.. :D for a sake of our memory, mama will try to write a little as this one is such an experience for us..

firstly million thanks to friends and families yg doa kan mama hasif cpt sihat.. i'm a stronger woman because of u guys chewahhhhhhh.. mama was discharged this afternoon.. Alhamdullilah..

everything started last sunday.. sunday morning we woke up early as we need to bring hasif to his paed, Doc Khaidir in Johor Specialist as Hasif has high fever, coughing and runny nose.. we had a busy morning since ramai gak org kat hosp at that time.. so grab a quick breakfast in the cafe.. mama with a piece of bun n milo.. n papa with ehemm.. papa mkn byk.. mama malas nak senarai kan :P n hasif had his share of papa's donut n kuih pau..

after out visit to the doc, we rushed to hasif's pak long's house.. eheheh dah bape hari raya baru la berkesempatan jumpa.. he's mama's eldest brother.. we had lunch at his house, but mama ate very little.. we went out from pak long's house around 1++ pm.. straight to metrojaya to get some new baju malam for hasif.. n after that we ate ayam penyet in benafe's cafe.. night time, we took nothing for dinner..

that was all we had the whole day.. but monday morning mama had a veryyyyyyy bad diarrhoea.. starting from 6am.. amazingly papa was ok.. approaching noon, mama's condition became worse.. complete package with severe vomitting.. mama had mc n went back n rest.. nite time, still diarrhoea but no vomitting.. so seems to be better.. so mama malas la nak mkn ubat dah.. but on tuesday it was still the same.. mama had bowel movement at a frequency of 3 times every half an hour.. and it was not a good thing cause mama became lethargic.. btw mama still came to office on tuesday though still have diarrhoea cause mama thought that it was better since no vomit.. but when the nite came, it became worse.. mama went to toilet every 5 minutes or so.. n vomit everything that i ate.. luckily papa was a charming hero.. when papa came back, he helped ma with the house chores.. normally mama fed hasif his dinner before 7 pm.. but since mama was very occupied with his temporary task of visiting the loo every 5 min, papa took over the task when he reached home around 7:30 pm.. mama slept early that nite since mama rasa penat sgt.. vomitted several times n steady bowel movement every 5 to 10 mins.. adoiii penat sgt rasa.. papa pujuk mama ajak g spital.. mama x mo.. mama ckp mama x larat sgt nak gerak.. tp sebena nye mama x larat + takut.. takut doc admit kat hosp sbb dehydration.. :P

mama tersedar kul 11pm bila dgr papa pujuk hasif suruh minum susu botol.. i thought it was the milk that i expressed during the day.. papa was really understanding.. papa x kejut kan mama pun utk susu kan hasif since he knew that i'm not feeling well that time.. tdso sekejap then bgn g toilet.. then tdo blk.. then bgn blk g toilet.. it was midnite at that time.. then papa turun plak buat kan porridge for us.. by that time mama ada high fever plak.. so papa dgn gigih nye tampal cool fever kt dahi mama.. cool fever tu hasif punye sebena nye.. for babies.. tp since kat umah x de yg for adult.. we just make do with whatever that we had..

wednesday morning mama woke up to the smell of brown rice porridge for hasif n chicken porridge for mama.. thank u so much papa.. mama x tau kul bape papa bgn pg tu tp bila mama bgn kul 7 sume nye dah siap.. :) we went to penawar hosp after that since it's near our place.. initially we planned to go to johor specialist but it's quite far.. spital yg tu kt town.. so we chose penawar instead.. as expected, mama was admitted since mama still had diarrhoea every 10 mins.. masuk berbotol2 air since the blood test n urine test showed tht mama's *** level is very very low.. *** psl mama pun dah x igt doc tu ckp ehehe.. papa jg mama ngan hasif dgn baik kt spital.. but the hosp is relatively small with only a few rooms.. when mama was admitted, only 6 bedded room available.. when hasif felt sleepy at 9pm, papa had to bring him back since the room was quite noisy.. but around 12am, papa called.. said hasif was asleep but suddenly woke up n cried non-stop.. so mama told papa to just bring hasif back to the hosp since it was already silent at tht time.. bila hasif smpi kul 1 am tu, mama ksk hasif susu n hasif trus tdo lena smpi pg.. ehehe hasif nak gak tdo bwh ketiak mama ye syg.. mama asked papa to go back home as i knew tht he must be very tired already.. no good nite rest for him also the previous nite..

this little episode in our life serves as a valuable lesson for us all.. first n foremost, we learnt to be independant.. last time when mama was hospitalised before giving birth to hasif, atok n uwan were here for support n to look after our welfare.. now we had to to do it on our own.. esp papa who had to take care not only for his wife, but also our adorable baby hasif.. it also serves as a reminder that how much we should value our family.. bila tgk papa dgn gigih nye layan mama yg tgh sakit perut n leka muntah2.. n at the same time tried to pujuk mama yg degil takut g spital.. mama mmg rasa terharu.. thank u so much.. we love u so much papa.. :)
** edited by hasif at 11:27 pm
mama still had diarrhoea.. another 5 bowel movement since this evening until now.. must be the food that ma took for lunch :(


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

Ya ALLAH dok tak sdp hati dah brapa ari...tgu masa callje tnya awat senyap lain mcmje least dulu kalau tak email, blog hasif tuh ada gak entry...hmmm hopefully evrythg will turn out well...get well soon!!!

Anonymous said...

ehehe mekasih ki,.. ati ni pun mmg tang zaman2 kita blaja pun mmg dah buat umah angkat dah toilet kt bilik kita dulu.. tp x penah la smpi muntah2 n masuk air cenggini.. hopefully ok la cpt.. thnks 4 the wish..

spectacularwave said...

hi yatie.. so so sorry to learn this news.. harapnya dah betul betul sembuh sekarang. so it's food poisoning ya? teruk juga tu sampai dehydrated. next time pergilah hospital cepat-cepat. and u r very lucky to have full support from your husband and son at this kind of moment.

hope you will have speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the wish spec.. Alhamdulillah ok dah skang :) it's not food poisoning actually.. something like infection in the **** tract (i cannot remember the name ehehe).. i won't bore u with the details but it may be caused by food as i have a very sensitive stomach (tp still tersgt la suka mkn)..