Sunday, November 11, 2007

Look at what Papa and Mama got me ....

Yesterday was another good day...... I woke up so was Papa and Mama. We all went strolling dekat Tasik nearby our house..... ramai org joging kat situ ..including few monyets....:).. Mama actually scared of them....afraid that the monkey will attack me... nonetheless...Tasik was fun..... mama said it's good to 'menghirup udara segar' once a while. After that, we all went to this 'Kuali Mas' restaurant to have breakfast....hmmm actually for Mama and Papa sit there la .. cuz Mama said I cant eat all those big boy food yet....then we came back to our home sweet home cuz I felt sleepy already....

In the afternoon, after having my lunch... Papa asked if we want to go to Jusco Tebrau to get me a walker... as Papa wanted to buy one for me since Hari Raya time, but reluctant to do so.....Off we go to Tebrau at around 1 o'clock......... Jusco Tebrau was so crowded...full of people.. Papa has to que very long just to pay for 2 pack of Yakult......We didn't find Walker that we really wanted at Jusco, so we went to Toy'R us instead.....

We get home around 5PM, and Papa took out the walker... and this is what happen....I'm so excited......seee me in action..:)

Papa has calculated my 'mengesot' speed. Papa said I can move 75cm in 15sec, that is equivalatent to 0.05m/s = 0.003km/hr.... hmmm not bad heh....

This is me in my new walker...Thanks Papa and Mama...I luv you both dearly...

Oooooooo.... what is this button for?....


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

amboiii dia...makin laju lah jalan nih nanti...bebaik jgn kena speed trap udah lerr...ish geram tul tgk hasif nih...

Anonymous said...

ahahahaha ki ni laaaa.. tp seriesly la ki.. mcm lawak eh tgk bebudak ni mengensot.. x pedih ke bdn, dada sume tu dok heret sana sini lelaju tu.. eheheh x saba nak tgu dia merangkak lak..

Anonymous said...

hehehe somebody's gonna walk soon and two others for sure will have fun chasing him....go Hasif!!! xxx

Anonymous said...

ehehe i assure tht it's loadssssssssss of fun.. meh la join pak teh.. :D