Friday, November 23, 2007

Hasif Dah Ada Gigi.......

hasif normally sleeps around 6:30-7:30 pm everyday until the following morning.. sometimes ma is lucky enough to be able to give him his dinner before he fall asleep.. but more often than not, hasif will be fallen asleep right after ma nursed him, after we reached home.. the routine rarely varies.. reach home around 6-6:30 pm depending on the traffic.. bring hasif for a walk outside for a while.. then nurse him..

tonite hasif fall asleep as soon as ma nursed him, at 6:30 pm.. however around 7:45pm he wakes up cranky.. ma nursed him again but he refused to sleep.. so he played afterwards.. after we had dinner (ma n pa that is), ma decided to massage his gum.. to release some of the pains of teething.. we had notice the outline of the teeth on his gum a few days ago.. so i cleaned my finger n tried to massage his gum.. i'm sooo surprised to find that something hard n sharp are bulging out from the upper gum.. which only means one thing............

Hasif dah tumbuh gigi.. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..............

we are sooooooooo excited.. we tried to make him laugh with his mouth wide open.. and true enough.. gigi atas dah kuar satu.. warna putih (cam gigi mama :D)

we tried to capture the photo... but seems to be veryyyyy difficult..

this is the best that we can get.. the white thing inside the mouth, on the right.. papa tricked hasif in order to capture this one.. pretend as if he will let hasif bite on the tali camera.. so when hasif opens his mouth.. tadaaaaaaa.. papa bijak kan hasif :D

we are soooooooo happy n proud of u hasif.. waaa big boy dah ni.. dah ada gigi.. glad that he has no fever whatsoever that sometimes happen during the teething process.. but he did has an interrupted sleeps at night.. n he loves to put his fingers inside his mouth.. n he sometimes made that funny sound with his mouth.. guess that was when his gum feels itchy.. i once read that it's the first tooth that caused the most discomfort.. so hopefully hasif dah ok la eh..


Anonymous said...

Ala comel lah Hasif dh ada gigi. Nanti mula la menggigit sana sini ek Hasif hihihi :D


Anonymous said...

org tua ckp kalau tumbuh gigi atas dulu kuat memerintah.. tp org muda ckp xkisah atas ke bawah yg penting dh ada gigi... meet milestone & ready to try other meal ;)

Anonymous said...

ina... tul la.. mmg suka menggigit dah tu.. aritu b4 gigi dia kuar, dia suka gigit time breastfeeding.. smpi meleleh air mata i tahan pedih eheheeh.. agak nye ms tu gusi dia gatal la..

Anonymous said...

aiseh ye ke org tua2 ckp camtu.. aiyoooooo.. but my mom pun kata aritu.. slalu bebudak tumbuh gigi bwh dulu.. ehehehe..