Saturday, November 10, 2007

7 Months' Old!!

waaaaaaaaaaa.. this guy turns 7 month's old = 210 days today.. time surely flies.. at 7 months, hasif:

- dah pandai mengensot dgn laju nya.. especially when he's motivated with his fav toys, newspaper, his bag mekap (the bag tht we use to put all his after bath oil, vicks, etc..), etc..

- loves to detach his pamper's tape.. when changing his diaper, while we are struggling with his pant, he normally manages to do those.. ishh ishh ishhhhh x sempat pakai seluar, pampers dah tertanggal blk..

- has his meals 2 - 3 times daily.. his diet consists of either brown rice porridge with spinach / carrot / potato, or nestle rice cereal or gerber's baby food (the one in the bottle).. a friend advised ma to boil fruits, like apple or pear and blend those for hasif.. we have yet to try this.. hope u will like it hasif..

- has no problem with unfamiliar faces.. last time during raya, masa jalan raya, mama n papa just pass him to the tuan rumah or our other relatives so that we can have our meal in peace.. as long as u look at him directly in the eyes n buat muka badut, he will surely be entertained..

- turn when we call his name..

- bakul hasif cannot accommodate him anymore.. before this, we put hasif in his bakul when ma send him over to the babysitter.. but his growing size does not permit this anymore.. besides hasif suka sgt nak meniarap dlm bakul yg kecik tu.. n he will normally hold the bakul's handle n pull himself to a sitting position, dlm bakul, in the moving car, with ma's driving.. aiyooo so scary.. these days, we place hasif in his car seat.. seems like he's enjoying this.. wider view i guess.. esp if it's raining.. terdiam terus hasif.. khusyuk tgk wiper ngan air hujan..

waaa big boy in the car.. dah jadi mama's co-pilot skang..

- still relying on ma's milk.. Alhamdulillah.. blom campo with formula yet..

ehehe hasif tgh nak pumping ke tu..?

watching him growing up right in front of our very own eyes is priceless.. before, we can simply put him in the middle of the bed or on a clean mattress in front of the tv, surrounded with his toys n fully expecting him to be just there when we come back.. but now with his increasing mobility, we can no longer leave him unattended.. next thing we know hasif will be leaving home for college.. how time flies.. we will definitely treasure each and every moment that we have together..


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

eeeee hasiffff aaiiiiii....geram Umi D tgk...ish takkan la mama n papa tgu hasif besar baru nak bwk jmpa Umi D kot :(

Anonymous said...

haaaaaaaaa papa dgr tu.. mama tgu papa hasif kasik green lite je.. psl papa byk keje n x de cuti.. mm nak kena arrange betul2 ni papa.. hasif nak jumpa kak dayana..