Saturday, November 10, 2007

Makan2 Raya at Our House..

we held a raya gathering for friends n families last sunday, 4th Nov. 2007.. Atok n Uwan, Mak Ngah, Pak Ngah n their kids, Abg Adha n Baby Uzma came all the way from our kampung to join the gathering..

waaaaa so meriah.. it was a blast.. i really had a wonderful times seeing friends of ma n pa.. abg haziq, kak nadrah n their family were also there.. but sad to say, we did not have much photo since we were very busy entertaining.. initially ma planned to take photos before the guest arrives, which was scheduled to be 3pm.. however, we had our first guest before 2 pm.. eheheh kalut la uwan nak prepare all the foods.. papa rents a khemah with tables n chairs so that all the guests did not have to wait to get their seat..

initally ma was afraid that our guests cannot make it since it was still open house season.. what to do with all those foods if nobody comes..? Alhamdullilah ramai sgt org dtg.. since before 2 pm org dtg x putus2.. the last guest leaves at 9:40pm.. since we ran out of most of the main dishes, atok decided that we should tutup kedai at 10 pm.. eheheh sori la kalau ada yg lalu tp tgk org dah kemas2..

hasif tgh tunggu org datang..

hasif with uwan before org dtg.. ni la baju melayu hasif :) ma was getting ready at this time.. eheheh mama br nak mandi tu.. on the right side is abg haziq n umi (pak long's MIL).. during the gathering, lots of people mentioned that uwan looks much younger than her age..

on the left, mak ngah, uwan with the handsome guy, umi n mak long.. far right is the sate guy, exclusively imported from plentong.. waaa sate dia sedap oo..

this is some of our menu of the day.. papa x sempat nak ambik gamba satu2 lak.. our menu consists of chicken n beef sate, ketupat, lontong, rendang daging, laksa penang, uwan's special karipap (this is one of the best seller of the day), cendol n tembikai.. yummy..

hasif playing with mak long..

hasif with mama n papa.. waaaaaaaaa mama looks so chubby in this photo.. i will remind ma to lose weight..

this guy was so exhausted after we called it a day.. needs to stretch up before went off to dreamland.. anyway thanks everyone for coming.. love u guys.. muahhhhhhh..


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

perrgghhhh glamer nye la menu...eeee nyesal tak p :D ikutkan tak malu nih buleh je kot smpai aritu :D

Anonymous said...

ehehe sodap oooo umi d.. yg uwan msk pun sume sodap2.. x pe nanti kalau umi d mai sini.. mama ngan papa leh bagi special treat kat seafood senibong.. lagi best ooo.. kata mama 8 bintang :D