Thursday, May 1, 2008

Birthday Hasif Part IV

the biggest surprise was when we realized tht umi D (ma's bestest fren) had post something for hasif, addressed to our house in bahau..

ok.. now let me read the card our loud first ok..

waaaaaaaaaa mama i love this card.. pjg nye :D

let's open the box.. waaa hasif got a pair of clothes.. bleh la pakai time kenduri kak comel nanti.. thanks heaps to umi d, uncle azli n kak dayana.. muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh u guys.. :D


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

You are most welcome hasiiffff..:)
hopefully it fits well...maklum la..Umi D ni takdak experience shpg baju boys..Uncle Azli yg pilih tau!!bg dia chan laaa...

t, nsb baik smpai on time...last minit post tuh...:D

Mama Hasif said...

ehehehehe muat bj tu.. n a very good color.. pandai uncle azli pilih.. bila nak pilih bj budak lelaki utk diri sendiri niii..??? ;)