Thursday, May 1, 2008

Birthday Hasif Part III

we went back to bahau on saturday nite, 19 april.. initially we planned to have a quiet birthday party for hasif.. plan to invite some of nearby, close relatives and some or our friends.. but since most of the 'core member' can't make it (i.e. pak su n future-mak su --> due to their exam, pak long n co n off course pak teh), so we have to abandon the initial idea.. besides we have limited time for preparation.. so we settled for a very intimate birthday gathering on sunday, 20 april.. joined by off course atuk n uwan, pak ngah, mak ngah, abg adha n uzma, n tok teh, wan teh n pak ulong (eheheh bila type sounds like ulat mulong kat sarawak tu lak).. the menu, as usual our all time favourite, satay eheheh..

saturday nite, we reached bahau around 9:20 pm.. abg adha was soooooooooooo excited to give this wonderful birthday present to hasif, who equally delighted to get the toy (sama excited cam papa hasif gak la eheheh :P)

in return, hasif gave abg adha some of his birthday packs ehehe..

papa assembled hasif's car.. yeaaa..

in addition to that, hasif also received these from the fav aunt n uncle :D (x yah la papa beli suar dah pas ni eheheh)

abg adha: hasif.. abg nak tumpang naik bleh x..?

hasif: alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. abg adha naik la benda lain dulu

btw mak ngah n pak ngah, thanks heaps for the car.. hasif totally loves it..
oo the one tht hasif's holding is part of the 'golf set'.. gift from tok teh..


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

waaaaa besaqnya kreta diaaaa...dah ada lesen lom nih???:D

anyway, sekali lg "Hepi belated besday Hasif!!!"....

muaaaahhhhh 13X.....from all of us..Dayana, Umi D & Unc Azli

spectacularwave said...

wei wei.. tak senonoh betull ulat mulong lak gi nyer hehehe.. u made me really laugh strawb oi..

hey sama la my niece pun ada golf set. boleh le gi golfing sesama esok kan?

Anonymous said...

Hasif ckp kat mama, bukan tok teh n wan teh la, its TOK CIK n WAN CIK.. Pak Ulong is definitely right..mmg sebutan cam ulat mulong.. MAK NGAH, KL

Mama Hasif said...

umi d.. mama ckp x yah pki lesen psl polis sume takut kat mama :P

uhuhuh spec, golf set hasif ni memain punye je.. dia buat ketuk2 lantai n sometimes buat ketuk pale mama dia adusssssss...

mak ngah.. mama tu mmg camtu.. kadang2 blur skit.. nak kena babab mama ni.. grrrrr...