Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Birthday Hasif Part II

hasif.. this is u in the morning of ur birthday..

ma had to work late on the nite of hasif's birthday.. lucky tht papa had asked permission from his boss to go back early.. by 5pm, papa already picked up hasif from nursery.. but sadly mama had loads of works to do tht is urgent, to be completed tht nite.. when ma finally reached home, it was closed to 9pm already.. pa opened the door for mama, n the moment i stepped inside the house, we heard hasif called 'mama'.. he was actually sleeping tht time, but woke up when ma entered the house.. eheheh psychic la hasif ni.. tau eh mama dah blk.. since it was already late, we went to nearby jusco permas for birthday dinner..

this is the super excited birthday boy..

this is for papa..

this is for mama..

this one is specially for the birthday boy.. eheh now tht he's already 1 year old, he's officially qualified to order his own food.. but hasif already full at tht time, he drank so much on our way there.. Alhamdulillah hasif still breasfeeding.. n papa already gave him dinner earlier, around 7pm.. hasif managed to eat only 1 piece of the burger.. the rest..? ehehe tanya papa..

this is the birthday cake.. we bought only a slice of brownies ice cream..

mula2 hasif usya kek n lilin..

n then dia jadik geram sgt.. siap angkat2 kaki nak panjat meja..



Ina said...

Hehe mesti MamaHasif yang habiskan Hasif nyer foods kannn? ;D Bagusnya Hasif still BF. I plan nk BF my coming-son smpi 2 years. Tp nk aim step by step dlu 6 months- 1 year- 1.5 years- 2 years. I hope I have high maintained determination la huhu

spectacularwave said...

ala, siap ada birthday dinner.. so sweet..

strawb, hasif nye baju tu cute la.. berkenan i. forever friends bear ke paddington bear? beli katner?

Anonymous said...

Keciknya kek... abg adha n bb uzma nak mintak pun x sampai ati..xpe la..blk bahau nnti kitorang belikan kek...p.ngah,m.ngah,abg adha n bb uzma, kl

Anonymous said...

ehehehe pandai tul la ina teka.. hasif mkn seketul burger cenonit tu, i mkn seketul, hubby mkn 2.. ehehe.. Alhamdulillah la ina ada rezeki nak susu kan hasif smpi setaun umo dah ni.. kadang2 kena high detemination la skit.. esp kalau tgh byk keje kat opis.. nak kena pam susu lagi.. tp bila pk2 blk i express milk utk hasif gak, bukan saje2.. so semangat la skit.. eheheh.. tul tu ina.. aim skit2.. at least x la rs pressure sgt :D

Anonymous said...

alahai spec.. simple birthday dinner je.. dah lmbt dah pun ms tu.. 9 lebih.. kitorg pun dah famished eheeh.. hasif pun mmg lucky abis la terjaga dr tdo tu.. mmg time tdo dia dah tu.. kalau x, x merasa la nak tiup lilin jwb nye eheheh.. bj tu paddington bear.. beli kt mana ek.. lupo lak den.. rs mcm kat pelangi la spec.. eheheh..

Anonymous said...

ahahaah mak ngah.. tu la trick nye tu.. beli kecik2 supaya org x leh nak mintak :P:P:P eheheh.. waaaa best nye.. dpt potong kek ke kat bahau weekend ni..? yummy..

Anonymous said...
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