Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Day Trip to Shah Alam n KL Part I

We had a day trip to shah alam n kl on sunday, 19 oct 2008.. why a day trip..? since the night before, we had an event at hasif's school.. so day trip pun day trip la kan.. as long as can go jalan raya n meet old friends.. the plan was to go to umi d's n auntie azni's house... auntie intan, regret that we were not able to meet u, esp abg akif.. maybe some other times eh..

we left the house at almost 8am.. the intial plan was to reach shah alam by 10am.. berangan je la ehehehe.. when we reached shah alam, it was already 11am..

had a surprise bithday cake.. ma's birthday was actually the day before that, 18 oct 2008.. thanks heaps umi d..

ehehe jenuh dok control tgn hasif from mutilating the cake..

happy birthday to mamaaaaaaaaa... thanks umi d, uncle azli n the beautiful dayana..

uhuhuh hasif sempat rasa dah cake tu before potong :D

apple cheese cake.. yummy..
these photos were taken at umi d's balcony ehehe..
umi d with dayana..
the scrumptious brunch that we had there.. not in the photo is a delicous nasik lemak 'cooked' by umi d.. eeheheh so good tht both ma n pa managed to consume 3 plates each :D
siap ada birthday gift.. thanks heaps peeps :)

at around 12pm, we moved on to auntie azni's house..

yana with umi d.. auntie azni with irsa.. n hasif yg dok tgh tutup mata with mama..
irsa with her purple dinosour's cd.. die hard fan tuuu..
opsss candid.. tgh mata ala2 ayu gitu ehehe..thanks guys.. we really had a wonderful time.. though i wish tht we have more time.. so next, intan, make sure u are available eh..