Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Weekend of Leisure

We bought these in tesco on saturday.. in preparation for a weekend of good rest n good food.. thank u sooo much papa..
so jawab nye mmg mama ngan hasif dok ulang alik la pegi fridge to increase our waistline ehehe.. this is si comot hasif.. no shirt, thanks to the prickly heat.. penat tgk dia tergaru2.. so better tanggal kan je la baju tu..
saturday nite, we had a very good dinner.. just discovered a new place for good food from one a blog tht ma frequents.. eheheh ni la guna nye rajin belek blog org.. at least dpt tau tpt mkn yg best2 ehehehe.. the place is called tip top bbq, located at the back of straits view hotel.. it's like a food bazaar actually..
butter prawn.. jenuh nak abis kan.. byk tul since their minimum order for butter prawn in 300 grams.. so by hook or by crook u hv to order tht much ehehe.. nsb baik la sgt2 sodap..pari bakar.. this one is so-so only, but much better than the one in senibong..
baby crab grg tepung.. this one is sooooooooooooooooooo good..
this two is for hasif.. nasik grg cina n sate 5 cucuk ehehe..

overall, the food is good and sooooooooo cheap.. the bill comes at around rm50.. for all the food that we had and drinks.. haii apsal la dari dulu x dixcover tpt ni eh..

sunday morning.. we woke up bright n early.. thanks again to the prickly heat.. hasif x lena sgt tdo dok tergaru2.. so we decided to hv a hearty breakfast at nearby mc d..
eheehe.. tekun hasif mkn.. seeeeeeeeee hasif now is a big boy..
this one is for papa n papa.. moving set bfst - very good value for money..

sunday afternoon, papa had some me-time alone.. since papa always tired lately, very busy with office works and during weekend pun bz semacam, so hasif and mama decided to give papa an early birthday gift.. papa's birthday is supposed to be next monday, 17 nov 2008... this one is specially for the tired papa.. a 2 and a half hour 4-step package that consist of sauna, massage, body scrub and milk bath.. hope papa enjoys the gift and feel refreshed after the spa treatment..


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

alaaaaa sukanya tgk gmbq hasif yg 1st tuh...ensem hero srg nih...mmuuaaahhhh cayyang cikit...

Anonymous said...

waaaaaaaaaa hasif ckp muahhhhhhhhh dayana gak byk2 :D btw ki, hasif dah pandai bagi salam n jwb salam.. dah pdi cakap 'akum' bila bagi salam n 'alaikum alam' bila jwb salam.. dah big boy dah ni.. ehehe..

UmiZahran said...

Salam ti...

lamanya ko xupdate blog nie.. ke dh nk start blog baru..

btw aku baru start blog baru.. xtaulah brp lama lak blh tahan nie... check lah nnti k..