Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jiwa Kacau :(

yeah i know.. i haven't been that diligent in updating the blog.. nurin is now already close to a year and half months old.. yet so little had been wrote about her.. what prompted me to write today is because if i have a very heavy heart today :( the thing is 10 days ago we bought 6 cute pets.. assorted colors burung nuri.. i chose the baby blue bird.. hubby chose the pair with nila color, hasif's is the green ones, while nurin's is the striking green n yellow bird.. initially we put the birds inside the house.. in the shoe rack, besides the door.. the soft n small feather keeps on bersepah outside the cage, but we are more than willing to take care of that.. bibik had volunteered to sweep tht area all day long.. but then we noticed tht nurin had earn herself another snack.. i.e. the birds' food..! so we have no other ways that to put it outside.. right besides the door.. memula ok.. but then this morning, whent we went out of the door at around 7 am, we noticed that there were lots of feathers on the floor.. and one of the bird is facing down, keras kejung dah :( ni mesti keje kucing.. either our neighbour's cat or wild cats.. there were lots of bloods.. the dead bird was the one tht i chose in the pet store.. the baby blue bird.. n the other one, the one tht nurin chose, looked severely injured.. the leg or something looks hurt.. it was very hard for her to fly to her favourite tpt bertenggek this morning.. i am so sad and so upset.. i can't help but feeling a little guilty over the whole thing.. if only we tied the cage a little higher, instead of putting in on top of the table :( rest in peace birdie.. i am so sorry that i can't protect u more..


EpuL said...

oh poor little birdie :( susah gak ni kalau ada kucing merayau..ke tikus punya keje?(warghhh monster rat!!). sabo je la. kena return trip ke pet shop la :)