Wednesday, August 4, 2010

it's been a while..

it's been a while since i last update this blog.. i had been neglecting it for so long that i lost count on the nos of events and occasions and special milestone for our kids that i had missed to include in here..

ape eh yg dah jadik.. i had safely delivered a beautiful-send-from-heaven baby girl.. named nurin adriana.. managed to survive the second part of my confinement here in our own home in masai.. hasif's third birthday.. and most importantly.. i did not manage to jot down each and every milestone that nurin had met.. poor baby.. i will try to update every now and then.. if the time permits.. one thing for sure, masa adalah semakin limited bila dah anak 2.. but i'm enjoying every moment of it.. and I'm thankful to Allah for this opportunity to be a mother of 2..

just a quick update.. nurin will be 10 months in 11 days time.. and no.. i still did not manage to shed off those unwanted kilos gained during the pregnancy period.. as of now, my weight is still the same when i'm still pregnant in my 1st trimester.. nurin's milestone.. dah bleh duduk n tgh belajar menatih.. pandai bye2.. tp suka mkn kertas.. alahai cyg.. abg hasif dulu x suka sgt mengutip n masuk mulut ni.. but totally different with nurin.. since hasif suka buat sepah, syok la nurin menjamu selera mkn sticker hasif la.. kertas2 hasif la uhuhuhu.. n recently, nurin dah pandai marah.. i think since last 2 weeks.. before, she will just keep mum when we simply took anything from her hand.. skang dah pandai marah kalau mama amek sticker yg dia try mkn.. dia hentak2 kaki dia kang.. eehhehee simply kiut..

as for hasif, he's getting bigger.. 3 years' plus.. can't believe that he grow up sooo fast.. eheheh last week pegi kl.. kejap je.. about 26hours je kat kl.. on our way to dinner on sunday nite, adha said he wants to be a pilot when he grows up.. eheheh ambitious huh.. siap ckp.. 'mak lang.. nanti bila hari jadi mak lang, adha beli kan mak lang ferrari..' ehheeh comei kan.. dah kaya la tu jadik pilot.. so papa asked hasif.. what do u want to be when u grow up.. hasif jwb dgn konfiden nye.. 'hasif nak jadik ultraman..' uhuhuhu.. anak bujang ai.. but he loves her sis so much.. slalu ckp.. 'alaaa adik abg..'.. or 'baby nak abg eh..' when his sis cries.. more on their antics in the next update..

till then.. let's hope that i have the time and the will to update more frequently..


UmiZahran said...

tang ultraman tu yg buat aku gelak sorang2 dpn pc nie... akif pn sama.. idola dia skang nie ultraman... n same phrase yg dia selalu repeat bila ngan anis.. "alah manja2 abg nie"... mcm aku selau ckp kat anis... tp tulah priceless moment yg buat kita senyum sorang2 bila kat ofis nie...