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cuti jap dr entries about kuching.. mama dah arrange all the photos in several entries, but too lazy to write something to accompany those photos.. so decided to put down this mixed entries first..we sent off pak teh last weekend, sunday 26 july.. the flight was supposed to be at 9:20pm.. so decided to bertolak dr bahau at 4pm.. being us, we finally out by 4:40pm.. skali tgk2 jam la plak kt hiway.. near the seremban rest area until nilai.. sbeaik pak long dgr radio.. so we used the other route.. lalu tah mana tah.. sebaik papa terer tau jln tu ehehe.. we finally reached klia at 7:15pm.. gedebuk gedebak pak teh chk in brg.. dah pukul 8 lebih.. minum jap kt mc d psl pak teh nak mkn ubat, then trus kena chk in dah.. oo btw pak teh developed a fever, complete with cough and runny nose a few days before.. sebaik smpt elok.. kalau x ada lak yg kena quarantine ehehe.. kitorg smpt la smpt la pose skit2 dulu eheheh..
silap beso la mama amek gamba mengereng.. dah nmpk tebal sgt badan ehehehe.. time ni mak ngah with uzma n abg adha dah lari nak masuk lif.. x smpt nak tangkap amek gamba sama2..
us with the super excited hasif..
sblom bertolak tu, uwan n mak ngah dah grg kuih n buat teh and kopi.. igt nak berkelah before pegi airport.. skali tgk jam.. x smpt pun nak berkelah.. since pak long will be heading straight to jb tht nite, so berkelah kt tangga dkt ngan parking je la ehehe.. time tu dah nak kul 9pm dah.. selera je sume org mkn minum.. ada karipap, cucur udang n teh n coffee yg masih panas straight dr termos..
lps tu, dlm kul 9:10pm pak long n co bertolak straight blk jb.. mama papa hasif uwan n atuk anta dulu mak ngah with abg adha n uzma tu their house in kl.. pak ngah terpaksa blk kl pepagi ahad tu psl ada plak gamba 2 weeks ago rasa nye.. budak kecik ni bangun kul 6:30am ms mama br lps mandi, nak gosok baju.. as usual, bgn je tdo dia mesti mintak koko krunch.. so mama bwk hasif turun, took the koko crunch and yoco yoco (hasif panggil cocoyo eheheh).. mama bukak kan thomas kt hp mama n mama tinggal kan dia jap nak gi iron bj.. hasif angguk2 je.. jengah skali lagi tgk dah tdo.. ehehe kiut je terlelap smbil tgn dlm mangkuk koko krunch.
tolak skit botol cocoyo tu nak kasik clear gamba ehehe..
these photos were taken on sunday, 19 july.. masa ni pak teh n pak su turun jb.. before kuar pg tu, papa potong kan rambut hasif dulu..nak kasik dia diam, kasik la bubble gun tu dulu..
dia pegi sembur besen air tu dah cam telur katak lak tgk ehehe..

lps hasif siap gunting rambut, we went out for lunch.. cadang nak mkn kt it roo, serves the best chicken chop in town (ni paper the star la ckp ehehe).. skali tutup lak.. so mkn kt city square je.. lps lunch, had dessert of these ice cream fondue.. ice creams + fruits dip with hazelnut chocolate sauce.. sgt gorgeous kan.. x penah dpt try since the serving is too big.. ni ramai skit ada pak teh n pak su just nice la.. rasa dia marbeles sgt..
pehh kecur air liur bila tgk gamba ni blk..
hasif with a&w maskot ms kitorg pegi jusco tebrau.. ms ni ari sabtu, papa keje.. ni time yg pak teh ngan pak su ada kt jb.. lps lunch umah pak long, kitorg straight gi sini..
pak teh carik brg, hasif main2 kt tpt mainan kt jusco tu..
yg ni gamba bila eh.. budak kecik ni br bgn tdo.. tgh mamai n nak manja2 ehehe..
opsss.. ape sorok dlm mulut tu..???
penuh ngan coklat rupa nye..
yg ni masa dinner kt al migos.. ada satu rest br kt jusco tebrau.. best gak tpt ni psl mkn kt bwh ehehe.. bersila je
both of us took this mixed grill.. sgt berbaloi psl serving dia sgt besa.. ada a piece of beef and a piece of chicken.. patut amek satu je share.. ni amek sorg satu, mcm nak muntah mkn.. tp sgt sodap..
hasif amek yg ni.. x senonoh je rasa dia.. nasik ayam.. nasik dia ala2 lembik2 skit.. geli je mkn.. 
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