Saturday, July 4, 2009

PD Trip 2009 - Part 2

Day 2 - 21 June 2009, Sunday

we started the day off quite early.. hasif bgn awal.. dlm pukul 7 rasa nye.. others follow suit right after tht.. yg payah sgt nak bgn pak su.. so kitorg pegi bfst dulu, pak teh tinggal utk kejut kan pak su dgn cara misteri dia.. camne..? nobody knows, tp x lama lps kitorg smpi tpt bfst tu, diorg pun smpi.. eheheh.. tah ape pak teh buat x tau la..

ehehe 3 org budak kecik ni sume blom mandi.. tuka bj je kasik comei skit.. ni dkt dpn villa..

ehehehe comei kan..
amek gamba dulu sblom mkn.. time ni dlm kul 8am..
eheheh excited nye syg mama ni.. suka betul dia dtg sini.. hai syg, kalau mama ni byk duit, tetiap bulan kita lepak sini tau mama bawak awak..
since we were quite late and there were loads of ppl, we were not able to get a seating at the main bfst area besides the pool.. instead we were ushered to the top floor.. these are the view from the dining hall..

pool for kids.. nmpk slide celah2 pokok tu..
the bfst was good, as always..
kenyang perut suka hati..

lps mkn, it was almost 10am.. so we went straight to the pet farm.. time ni hasif dah tuka uniform.. psl he poo poo while we were having bfst.. so papa yg rajin bwk blk bilik tuka pampers n trus pki bj mandi..

hasif fed the rabbit with the apple tht he brought back from the bfst buffet..
comei kan rabbit ni tgh tunggu apple..

feeding time.. we have a good time here with the pets.. sume comei n cuddly..

org jaga tu suruh letak sayur tu tinggi skit supaya ayam tu akan lompat mkn.. ayam2 ni dah di train nak melompat.. tp x dpt lak nak amek gamba diorg in action..
tgk kt blkg tu uzma tgh ltk tgn dlm mulut.. tau x dia buat ape..? mkn roti tht was meant for the pets.. uhuhuhu.. tp org yg jaga tu ckp roti tu ok n lom expired.. so ok la kot ehehe..

white dove ni pandai pose.. bila org nak amek gamba dia akan pusing mengadap camera..
muka ala2 cuak pak su.. takut kaa..? ehehehe..
pak teh with the guinea pigs.. they are quite shy.. so difficult to hold them.. mkn n lari semunyik..

wahahaha pegang la kiri kanan.. pastu yg burung putih tu tinggal kan 'azimat' dia kt bj pak su ehehe..
eheheh gosok ayam mcm gosok rabbit je.. x pe la psl bersih.. according to org yg jaga pet farm ni, they changed the sand here every month, and a veterinar will come and chk the pets every month also.. no wonder they are clean n x busuk..
eheh apsal tgn papa yg pegang ayam tu cam keras je nmpk.. takut kaa..? ehehehe..
mak ngah with abg adha.. feed the rabbit with bread..
eheh this time dtg sini hasif dah berani skit nak hold binatang2 tu compared to last year..
he can even hold the rabbit..
n syg the rabbit.. alahai nak, apsal la pegi kiss rabbit tu..

lps bagi makan pets, papa n hasif terus terjun swimming poool.. mama n the rest blk bilik dulu tuka bj..
sblom tuka bj harus la potong kek dulu.. this baked cheese cake was a complimentary from avillion.. eheheehe kek all in one la ni.. out pre-anniversary cake, father's day cake (which falls at that very day) and uwan's belated birthday cake.. cake ni besa n sodap.. tp x abis mkn psl byk sgt kek. pak teh pun ada bwk byk kek..
lps mandi manda, we hv a snack at the pool side.. ordered 2 pan of pizzas.. while the kids shared 1 nasik ayam.. abis licin sume ehehehe.. dlm pukul 2 lebih mak ngah went out with pak su n pak teh looking for lunch for atuk n umpan pancing.. mama x pegi psl nak tdo kan hasif.. skali hasif x nak tdo lak.. leka tgk papa n pak ngah mancing.. bila mak ngah dah blk dr beli mknn, dlm kul 5 lebih dkt pukul 6 br hasif nak tdo.. grrrrrrrrrrr time tu org nak bwk dia mandi laut.. so end up tinggal kan hasif ngan uwan n atuk psl uwan malas nak turun mandi laut.. time ni papa n pak ngah pegi sauna.. pak su tdo psl dia x sedap perut.. so mama pegi mandi ngan mak ngah, pak teh n adha since uzma pun tgh dok tdo lagi.. laut tu kt sblh je.. x ramai org.. so clean ngan pasir yg halus yg diorg cilok tah dr mana eheheh..

hasif slept in the specially built fortress psl takut dia terjun eheheh..

night time, we went out for dinner.. so far we ate at different seafood restaurant each time we were here in pd since food dia biasa2 n x sedap sgt.. so this time around, we tried to look for another restaurant..

we had dinner here.. recommended place pd sapa2 yg pegi pd.. kt mana eh.. x igt la batu berapa.. restaurant chardin sea view seafood.. chinese seafood yg halal n sgt sodap.. finally we found a good seafood in pd.. the place tht we had been last year was good.. medan ikan bakar.. tp dia ada ikan je.. udang sotong sume tarak.. dkt sini mcm2 menatang ada.. lobster pun ada tp mahal banget..

cuba teka sape yg pose kt dpn tu..?
foods tht we ordered tht night.. sgt marbeles.. we ordered a dinner set.. so x de la order lain asing, cuma tmbh bun, orange juice satu jag n air longan 1 jug.. tp orange juice dia mahal banget.. 25hengget satu jug.. air longan murah 13hengget je 1 jug..

this is chilli crab..
steam kerapu..
sotong grg tepung..
butter prawn yg sgt gorgeous rasa nye..
chicken in spring onion.. pun sodap banget.. tp gamba blur psl tgn dah shaking lapa ehehehe..
fried bun.. mana2 chinese seafood sure ada mendalah ni.. igt kat jb je ada.. rupa nye kt pd pun ada.. mmg satu malaysia punye chinese seafood ada kot bun grg ni.. sodap.. esp kalau cicah ngan kuah chilli crab..
the set comes with fried rice.. sodap.. hasif mkn byk sgt mlm tu lauk butter prawn, chicken n steam fish..
lps mkn, we have pesta durian dkt tapak pasar mlm tu.. waaaaaaaa sodap.. mkn tepi kedai tu je.. dia siap kan air basuh tgn.. burpp kenyang smpi nak muntah..
after dinner, we went back to our rooms.. ms ni rasa mcm dah penat n nak tdo je rasa.. tp rugi pulak psl esok dah nak blk.. so we went for a karaoke session at jungle fringe.. dlm avillion jugak.. papa, uwan n atuk x ikut psl dah penat.. abg adha pun tinggal psl dia dah lena dlm kete lagi..

the room was big, kerusi yg ada cukup nak accommodate 12 org.. hasif suka betul dpt pegang microfon.. ms org tu set up, dia start praktis nyanyi dulu..

hasif sibuk soh mama nyanyi.. tp waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa awat la protuding sgt bely dlm gamba ni.. x la psl duduk x betul x sandar eheheh..
bebudak berdua ni suka betul.. tp mata dah layu psl ngantuk..
elok2 je abis setup karaoke, pak ngah br nyanyi 1 round, pak su tgh nyanyi the next song, hasif sibuk ngantuk.. mama, nak tidoooooooooooooooooo.. adoii terpaksa la blk sorg bwk hasif dlm gelap tu.. takut la gak.. jln laju2 eheheh... yg lain2 stay sana lama gak.. melalak for close to 2 hours.. dasat kan, sume kaki nyanyi.. tp pak teh dah lena dlm gelap n bising2 tu eheheh..

end of day 2.. we had a very good time indeed..