Thursday, July 16, 2009

Kuching 2009 Part 1

Date: 26 - 30 June 2009 (5d/4n)

Day 1 - 26 June / Friday

For this year's anniversary, we went to Kuching, our first time here.. bought the ticket some times ago, during MAS travel fair.. ehehehe..

hasif was extremely excited waiting for the trip.. keeps on saying 'hasif nak naik epopane (aeroplane) zummmmmmmmmmmmmm'.. mana dia tau tah aeroplane tu bunyik zoom :P:P:P smpi teacher dia pun tanye.. hasif nak pegi mana naik aeroplane psl asik dok ckp kt nursery.. uhuhuhu.. sian anakku x penah naik aeroplane..

this photo was taken the night before.. while we (read:mama) were packing.. ehehe first time travelling light.. slalu kalau blk kg even sari semalam pun bwk bj hasf smpi 2 bakul, pampers sebungkus besa.. kali ni x leh la bwk bakul bj hasif.. bwk ngam2 utk ari2 pakai..

our flight was scheduled to depart at 12:50pm.. we took taxi to senai airport.. kuar umah dlm kul 10.. mama n papa dah bfst siap2 kt umah.. mkn the leftover pizza for last night.. tp hasif x mo.. so pegi la marry brown bfst..

rasa nye kat negeri lain kat malaysia ni dah x byk dah marry brown.. tp kt jb byk.. tetiap ceruk ada.. kt tiap kip mart ada.. suka marry brown ni psl bleh mkn atas buaian je.. menda lain2 mcm mknn dia ke biasa2 je ehehe..
smbil mkn sambil goyangggggggg... susah la gak sebena nye nak mkn psl dok gerak2..
departure area..

ni time ni hasif tgh mengamuk.. dia x sabar nak naik.. pdhal time tu br kul 12:15 kot.. lom leh masuk.. dia mengamuk la bising2.. abis sume jari nak masuk mulut..
budak yg tgh mengamuk nak masuk aeroplane..
ok memula baca safety leaflet dulu..
then fasten ur seat belt..
excited je hasif bila akak stewardess tu kasik food.. ehehhe his first experience naik aeroplane.. this one is for mama n hasif.. fish ape tah ngan potato.. tp hasif x suka.. so papa habis kan yg satu bekas hasif punye :P
this one is for papa.. fried rice with chicken satay..
we arrived in kuching at 2:10pm.. mcm pegi obersea je siap kena cop passport.. for those who didn't have passport, pun x pe, dia kasik slip ape tah.. lucky tht we bring passport.. so chop je la...
masa smpi tu the guide tht we had already hired was still tied up with a group from indonesia.. so he asked his brother to meet us in the airport and send to the hotel.. we stayed in harbour view hotel.. very strategic location.. berdepan ngan water front n dkt ngan sungai sarawak..

this is the view from the hotel window.. nmpk la sungai sarawak.. hasif cukup suka dok melepak kt sini..

our hotel room.. ok la.. quite spacious.. managed to get king sized bed though masa book, dia cakap dah penuh king size, yg available queen je..

see our beg.. hebat kan pegi 1 beg je.. bila blk smpi berkotak2, berguni2 smpi x muat trolley..
ehhhhhhh mana hasif..?
ehehe cukup suka dia main kt sofa tu.. sembunyik bwh curtain smbil dia sendiri buat2 tny 'hasif where.. hasif where..' kerusi tu asal nye kt coffee table.. tp papa dah tarik kasik ltk sebelah tingkap sng hasif nak tgk luar..
so memula tu lepak2 dulu.. mama gantung bj jap.. the guide, asmadie ckp sori berkali2 psl x dpt personally jemput n bwk pegi hotel.. dia ckp dia akan jemput dlm pukul 5-5:30pm.. so dlm kul 4:30 kitorg turun dulu jalan2 tepi sungai..

this is the water fountain dkt ngan sungai.. mlm lawa la.. ada lampu bagai..
our hotel at the background.. yg kaler putih.. yg colourful tu pelita.. tpt parking n ada cinema dlm tu.. waaa papa tgk transformer kt dlm tu la mlm tu..
sungai sarawak.. (ehh betul ke sungai s'wak..? ke sungai lain tah..? x sure lak..)
ada byk perahu tambang.. dr seberang sini pegi seberang sana.. kg boyan.. murah je 50sen.. hari2 kami naik mendalah ni ehehehe..
waaaaaaaaaa budak ni sgt excited..

asmadi smpi dlm kul 5:15.. bwk pusing2 bandar kuching.. pegi tgk kg melayu.. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dia ni bykkkkkk sgt ckp.. x sia2 amek dia jadik guide.. dia hapal segala statistik.. dr peratusan import gas sampai la ke bilangan sekolah n peratusan pelajar kt skolah2 kt kuching.. waaaaaa impressive.. 1st day dgr tu mmg dok pk, dia ni apsal ckp je.. dia x pedulik org muka boring ke hape, dia cakapppppp je.. eheheheh tp gud la.. we paid him as a tourist guide.. tu yg byk naa ckp kot eheheh.. mlm tu dia bwk dinner kt satok.. kt sini la ada pasa minggu satok every saturday tgh air smpi ptg ahad.. dinner mlm tu papa ate mee kolok (mee buat dr beras, mkn ngan kuah sup).. yg papa order tu mee kolok ayam.. dia letak roasted chicken skali dlm tu.. sodap banget.. mama mkn ape tah.. share ngan hasif.. nasik ayam ke..? ke sate je..? x igt la.. tp ada order sate gak.. sodap sgt..

lps tu sambung pusing2 sekitar kuching, tgk kuching waktu mlm.. cantik n best.. blk hotel dah pukul 8pm.. singgah pelita yg dkt tepi hotel tu jap.. papa nak chk cite transformer tayang kul bape.. full house smpi midnite rupa nye.. tp bila kitorg ckp nak satu tiket je.. utk papa je, trus dia ckp dpt show yg pukul 8:30.. waaa sedang elok.. blk hotel, smpi bilik kul 8:15pm.. mama bwk hasif mandi dlm bath tub so papa dpt la sneak out senyap2.. hasif swimming.. menurut kata dia la kan.. dia pose ala2 swimming, mama letak air skit je dlm bath tub tu.. leka la dia..

so lps mandi, kitorg trus tdo.. dlm kul 10 kot.. papa blk kul 10:30pm.. waaa jadik org bujang le tgk wayang sorg2 :D mama malas nak join psl for sure hasif dah ngantuk.. dr dia mengamuk dlm tu, baik la kitorg tdo.. tmbh mama x minta sgt cite camtu..

that was the end of day 1.. a start for a very refreshing holiday..