Alhamdulillah pak teh dah slmt smpi m'sia on 18 june 2009, thursday.. touched down at 3pm, picked up by mak ngah n co.. so as planned a couple of months earlier, our annual pd trip proceed as planned.. pegi 20-22 june..
Day 1 - 20 June 2009, Saturday
eheheh asal nye plan nak kuar pagi.. bak kata pak su, dia nak by kul 10 dah smpi sana.. tp dia dkt kul 9 pun terkial2 lom mandi lg :P:P:P
kitorg bwk bekal psl plan nak picnic tepi laut before chk in to hotel.. uwan cooked nasik ayam, yummy.. so while waiting for the foods to be prepared, and most importantly while waiting for the uncles to get ready (sorg mandi lama sgt, sorg lagi cukup payah nak soh mandi.. teka sape..??), these three stooges lepak dulu depan tv tgk sume cite kt ceria tu.. pg sabtu ape lagi.. mula2 thomas, pastu ada jim jam sunny..
eheheh aren't they lovely together..?
the little lady in red tops ni cerdik tul.. bila mama ckp ok, smile nak amek gamba.. dia pun cpt2 senget kan bdn nak peluk hasif pose utk amek gamba ehehe..
we finally reached pd around 12 lebih.. ujan renyai2.. so carik port for lunch.. ni mkn kt deret kedai kt tepi laut.. kedai ujung skali tu x bukak, so kami landing kt sana..

this is the parking space in avillion.. they have 2 parking lot, the one nearer to the hotel is full, so hv to park in the second parking lot, whc is on the other side of the road.. pehh jauh gilo berjln..
the bridge tht connects the lobby/reception area to the main are in the hotel..
our 2 bedroom villa.. it was surprisingly spacious.. sbb ms tgk kt website tu igt kot kecik.. the room are the same with the one tht we hd occupied before in the premium water chalet.. there are 2 king size beds and 1 queen sized bed..
the living area.. ada 2 balcony.. dedua tu dijadik kan port mancing ehehehe..
pak ngah terus set up tpt mancing.. this area is right in front of the door.. so altogether they managed to set up 3 port mancing.. satu kt area sini dpn pintu, n 2 lagi kt each balcony.. eheheh relaxing indeed as there are lots of fish.. n yg kaki poancing tu x payah pegi jauh2 nak mancing..
smpi2 adha nak mandi kt bath tub.. so hasif pun nak join.. lucky tht pak teh sanggup nak layan budak2 ni.. dia ngan pak su pegi tuang 2 botol shower foam dlm bath tub tu.. oo bath tub ni ada whirlpool skali.. leh jadik jacuzzi.. bliss..

mlm tu we went to pd pasa mlm.. besa banget.. we bought quite a lot tp almost all x sedap uhuhuhu.. yg sedap rasa nye kebab, ayam grg n rambutan.. lain sume ala2 hampeh..
so after dinner, the guys turun bwh nak pegi menjala... ehehheeh pegi holiday siap bwk jala tuuuuu.. ada 2 jala.. time tu air dah surut.. the following pictures mama tangkap dr balcony.. byk gak diorg dpt ikan, termasuk la anak ikan pari.. tp rugi terlupa nak amek gamba..

papa pose ngan ketam2 yg berjaya dijala n dipancing.. eheheh best oo pancing dpt ketam.. papa yg x bape minat mancing pun bleh jadik leka n jadik kaki pancing jap..
so tht wa the end of day 1..
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