Saturday, July 4, 2009

PD Trip 2009 - Part 3

Day 3 - 22 June 2009, Monday

the day started just like the previous day, we woke up, had troubles to woke up pak su.. went for bfst.. after tht straight to the swimming pool since we had to chk out tht day..

mama n hasif getting ready for the pool..
best sgt lepak2 sini.. sejuk n nyaman je rasa..
our villa from afar.. air surut skit..
best nye mandi.. rasa cam x nak blk je..
pak teh n pak su tgh main chess.. reti ke tu..? ehehehe..

the following pictures were taken by pak teh n pak su while we were getting ready mandi sume ..
air surut..
yg ni dkt dgn laut tpt kitrog mandi the day before tht..
cochin pool.. this one is for adults.. pool yg pak teh mandi ngan pak su smpi dkt kul 2 am tu..

the beach tpt kitorg mandi.. cantik n bersih..

waaa pak teh tangkap anak ketam pki tgn..
mama, papa n hasif went out at 11am.. since we were heading straight to klia to send off tok n uwan penang for umrah.. the rest chk out around 1pm..

we had a very good time.. it was a relaxing indeed.. n very refreshing.. to be able to gather with your loved ones, with the peaceful surrounding, one cannot ask for more.. hope we can do this again some other time..


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

waaaaa glam da grand la your family's celeb this year...nak p jugaaakkkkk!!! huhuhuhu..

btw, ensem tul pak teh n pak su...ado gopren lom??

mama hasif said...

alaaa ki br ni dpt ngasa pegi reramai kt sini.. tu pun jenuh kumpul duit uhuhuhu

ahahahah jgn ckp diorg ensem.. kang makin kombang.. dah la makin naik dedua tu.. nak ikut akak2 dia agak nye ehehe..

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