Monday, August 27, 2007

At last, my video on the net

look...... me and my flying fish.......

me....playing with my playgym...


Ina said...

Toys Hasif semua comel2 sgt especially the books so interesting. Sure Hasif yang comel ni pun seronok sgt main kan Hasif ;D

Ina said...
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Anonymous said...

ehehe dandelion.. cute kan.. mama ngan papa hasif yg terlebih excited sebena nye bila tgk.. n hasif of course very happy play (read: chew) those books eheheeh...

Anonymous said...

Mama Hasif, rupanya siang td friendster tgh maintenance. I buka link tu siang td okay je. Skrg pn dh okay. If nk tgk here is d link

Nnt upload la video Hasif pjg2 sket. Tak puas tengok Hasif yg comel tu bermain2 hehe
