Friday, August 10, 2007

Current Progress

previously a passive observer of his surrounding, this little boy had move up a notch.. now he is a very active participant for his surrounding..always mumbling incoherently.. he will smile and laugh and talk when he hears u talking.. sometimes this little boy also can be very perasan cos he even smile and talk when u are singing.. as if u are talking to him..eheheh..

changing his cloth n wet diapers also had becomes quite a task since this boy now dah semakin lasak.. whenever we remove his diaper, he will curl up his leg, like he's in fetal position.. maybe because his bare bottom rasa sejuk kena angin.. so makin susah la nak pasang kan new diaper..

feedings now also can be challenging since hasif will stop n turned away from u at each and every new noise that distracts him... he's now becomes increasingly aware of, and interested in the world around him.. so basically u have to be very very patient in order to feed him.. as for mama hasif.. one of my best moment is to hold my sleeping baby in my arms.. yg dah kekenyangan after i breastfeed him..

this is one of my favourite photo of hasif yg tersandar kekenyangan selepas menyusu.. this photo was taken when he's one month old..

the strength and coordination of his hands are also improving.. he will grab everything within his reach.. be it ur hair.. ur tudung.. ur clothing.. his own kain buaian.. anything basically.. our baby loves to reach out and touch anyone and anything he can grasp onto.. and when u hold (dukung) him in such a way that ur right hand is supporting his bottom n ur left hand is on his back for support, u will notice that he will cling tightly to u n suddenly u will feel like ur neck or ur collar is already wet.. dah basah dia hisap.. adoiii.. he loves to put everything that he picks up straight to his mouth.. now his capabilies are limited.. thus x banyak sgt yg bleh di collect utk bawak masuk mulut.. skit hari lagi.. mmmm God only knows.. he loves sucking his fingers also.. one finger.. or sometimes smpi 3 jari dia sumbat kan dlm mulut.. lps tu keliling mulut dia sememeh with his own saliva.. how adorable.. (eheheh of course la adorable since he's our own flesh and blood).. we also love watching him play with his hands.. the way he clasp his hands ever so tighly..

baby hasif tgh khusyuk menghisap jari.. kalau try nak tarik jari tu mesti dia marah..

by now Hasif had been physically capable of making it through the night without feeding.. he now sleeps for a long stretch of time, up to 6 or 7 hours before he becomes restless that indicates he's already hungry.. or sometimes i will wake up to the sound of him sucking up his finger or simply his lips.. kesian hasif lapar.. we make it a point that hasif has a predictable, positive bedtime routine, which entails putting him to bed at the same time every night.. he normally sleeps at 7pm everyday until the following morning.. of course this routine will be disrupted if we are going out.. so as much as possible we try to stay at home this time around so as not to disturb his beauty sleep..

yesterday papa hasif was not working.. independence day for singapore..everytime that he's not working, papa is the one who will take care of baby hasif.. so no need to send hasif over to the babysitter.. after i came back from office yesterday, we went to the lake.. the lake garden is actually very near to our home.. maybe 5 mins walking.. but we drive la of course, takut nanti tak larat pulak nak jalan balik rumah.. eheheh.. hasif loves being outdoor.. wind-blown trees or leaves always fascinates him.. these i had notice for quite some time already.. tapi mama malu skit la jln2 kt tasik smlm as everybody's in their sport's gear but i come complete with baju kurung and hand bag.. ehmmmmm... slightly out of place la.. but since i jenis tak kisah.. so no big deal la for me..

HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS LITTLE BOY.. sometimes i just wished that time will pass slowly as i want ot savour every moments that i have with my darling baby.. and to share him with my darling husband.. it's priceless.. and i really thankful to Allah for letting our path crossed.. he is so right for me (tak tau la kan org nak kata apa.. but for me.. my other half really completes me)..