Monday, July 30, 2007


Yesterday, 3 of papa's frens came to visit us.. along with their wife and kids of course.. i made 6 new friends yesterday.. we had some makan2 for them.. we have sate.. kueteow.. ketupat.. ma also fried some samosa, nugget and keropok lekor.. i received lots of presents.. sungguh seronok.. i have lots of new toys.. new playgym.. pa's fren also gave me mamy poko's diapers.. ehehehe best.. thanks everbody.. ohhh we also reveived a set of framed paintings.. cantik sangat.. papa said he will hang those in the wall..

my papa yg rajin tengah bakar sate.. the sate seller doesn't want to sell us the sate in the afternoon.. they open their stall at 6pm.. thus we had to buy the raw sate n bakar sendiri..

gifts that i received.. but i think ma is more excited than me.. ehehehe..

some of the rattles and building blocks that i received..

my new playgym..

n my new pack of diapers.. ehehehe..

me posing with my new diaper :D


Anonymous said...

amboi hasif...meh la skit present tuh...kesian kak D tau..takde present pun :(

Anonymous said...

alaaa cayang bucuk bucukkk.. nanti auntie beli kan dia new toys eh.. :D

spectacularwave said...

tak ajak punnnnnnnnnn!

Anonymous said...

opssss... eheheh sori spec.. 1st time entertaining in our new house.. byk yg i lupa.. neighbour sblh rumah pun bleh lupa panggil sekali.. x senonoh tul.. :D

Ina said...

Wah bestnyer Hasif mama n papa dia wat makan2. Mama n papa dia jela yg best kot. Tapi Hasif leh makan ke? Hasif amik bau je la ek hehehe :D

Anonymous said...

dandelion.. sorry.. i didn't notice new comments since i didn't change my e-mail add in the blog for comment's notification.. my office email add already changed.. tp mama ni lupa nak tuka.. dah tua2 ni.. ;)

ehehehe apa yg mama hasif mkn.. sume hasif dpt rasa.. i read tht whatever u eat will be reflected in ur breast milk.. for example if u loves to eat garlic, there will be a hint of garlic in ur milk.. thus ur baby will be able to know and be prepared for the family eating tradition in preparation for the times when he can eat solid food later.. so hasif dpt la skit2 rasa n bau sume mknn tu.. eheheeheh..

Ina said...

ooo haah ek tak terpk pun mcm tu. actually bukan xtau but xingat pn masa tulis komen tu. maklumla belum jadi 'mama' lagi hehehe. good la hasif boleh makan sedap2 selalu. auntie dandelion jeles la! huhu ;D