Saturday, July 7, 2007

Tribute to Uwan n Atuk

this special section is to show our appreciation to my atok n uwan (mama's parents)..

this is my uwan n my atuk (together with abg adha yg suka amek gamba)..

mama said that they are waiting 10 days in jb before i was born.. big sacrifice since they have to leave their pokok cili n ayam behind during their stay in jb.. :) luckily everything is still in good shape after the return home.. uwan took great care of my parents during their stay in jb, right before i was born.. mama said uwan prepared good breakfast everyday for them.. n when they retuned home after office, the dinner was also ready.. when they came to jb, uwan brought together air yassin.. apparently before they came to jb, they had a small kenduri in the surau near my grandparents house.. wishing and hoping that everything will turned outwell.. uwan also brought akar fatimah and telur ayam kampung.. which is said can assist the delivery process..

after mama's maternity leave ends, uwan and atok also accompany us to return back to jb and stayed with us for 8 days.. ohhh of course my pak su yang rajin also joining us.. they helped me to settle down in my new environment.. helping mama n papa to arrange the house.. n they even took care of me for 2 days when ma finally had to return to the office.. ohhh uwan also brought various type of pokok utk ditanam in our house.. such as lemon grass, pandan leaves, cili api, bendi etc.. uwan also tolong tanamkan pokok mangga, rambutan, limau kasturi, roses and also what-is-the-name-of-the-small-flower-that-blooms-in-the-morning.. i felt sad when they have to leave us.. since uwan took great care of me and my mom during mama's confinement period.. how i wish my atok n uwan can stay with us longer..