Tuesday, July 3, 2007


sunday.. 1st july 2007.. our first anniversary.. time seems to be flying so fast.. feel like yesterday that i first met my husband.. we tied the knot on 1st july 2006.. 1 july akad nikah in my place in negeri 9.. 2 july the wedding reception.. anyway we started the day with me preparing a special breakfast.. jemput2 ikan bilis.. sedap ape tu.. cicah dgn kuah kari that i got from my babysitter about 5 days before that.. but it's still edible of course since papa hasif put it in the freezer.. frozen dah.. dah boleh jadik aiskrim kari dah.. :)

i bought a frame and anniversary card from memory lane for our anniversary present.. 1st anniversary kan.. traditional gift should be paper.. modern gift is clock..but since my husband doesn't like to use watch.. i have to select the first option.. paper.. i cracked my head several times before.. thinking of the right and meaningful gift.. in the end of the day i decided that i will put our photos in a frame and engrave First Anniversary.. actually this is my sister's idea (thanks a bunch mak ngah cute..!).. of course once u have small baby ur time will be limited.. balik keja dah rushing nak amek anak from babysitter.. so got no time to go out shopping.. i have to cabut a whie from office to go out buy this frame.. papa hasif bought for me a lovely flower.. yeayyyyyyyyy lama dah x dpt bunga.. personnally i prefer chocolates over flower.. but to receive flowers once in a while can really made ur day.. berpesta bunga api sekejap la dlm hati dpt bunga (quote kata ahadiat akashah).. eheheh.. n he gave me osim u zap also as our annniversary present.. actually i already received this present a couple of days before that.. tercapai jugak la cita2 nak pakai mendalah ni.. in order to regain back my dangerous and spectacular curves (quote kata spec).. well for ur viewing pleasure.. this is the gift that i had for him..

and this is hubby's anniversary present for me..

then we spend the whole afternoon shopping.. at night, i cooked bihun grg for dinner.. initially we planned to go out for dinner.. but since we were already tired.. and baby hasif was sound asleep, so we had to cancel.. all in all it was a good and pleasant day.. for others it may be nothing.. but for us.. this is the best that we can have for our anniversary..

for my dear husband.. i dedicate the following poem for u.. and i mean every single words in the poem..

To my Dear and Loving Husband
by Anne Bradstreet

If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee;
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye woman, if you can.

I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor aught but love from thee, give recompense.

Thy love is such I can no way repay,
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let's so persevere
That when we live no more, we may live ever.


Anonymous said...

hehe..sooooo sweettt!!!...ni ada yg call hubby lps nih :D

Ina said...

Hye MamaHasif, I hope its not too late to wish happy first anniversary to you. What more it must be much merrier with BabyHasif's presence kan :) I have looked at ur wedding picture n seperti pernah kulihat gambar itu. Tetapi di mana ya? hehe :D Have a nice day to you

Anonymous said...

ahaksss skali skala la umi d..

Baby Hasif said...

thanks for the wish dandelion.. eheheheh mana la ko penah tgk gamba tu.. 1st time ever ni published on the net.. :D

Ina said...

Opsss I mean wedding pictures kat entry bawah tu sbnrnya mmg I penah tgk hehe. Ehh really tak penah publish d wedding picture? Hmmm...Most probably I tgk kt photographer's punya page la kot kalo mcm tu :)