Thursday, July 5, 2007


me in my earlier days..

this photo was taken 19 hours after i was born.. crying with my eyes closed in uwan's lap.. notice my red, chubby cheek..?

2 day's young..

3 day's young.. super bright red cheek..

4 days young.. red clothes to compliment my red cheek..

this was taken 7 days after i was born.. papa said that i normally smile when i fall asleep.. sweet dreams maybe.. maybe dreaming of milks.. ;)

8 day's young.. sleeping in my play pen.. present from mak ngah n pak ngah n abg adha..

this is me posing with my gorgous aunt, mak ngah n her son abg adha n the new baby (still in mak ngah's tummy).. mama told me that the baby will due this coming september.. can't wait to see u little baby..
this hensem guy is my pak su.. ada yg ckp rupa dia mcm japanese.. n ramai yg kompius dia as chinese.. in this picture, pak su doesn't look so good since maybe he forgot to comb his hair.. :P ohhh i forgot to mention that ma said that pak su's fav place is tanjung malim.. now i'm wondering the reason behind.. ;)

this is my pose in my craddle after my second injection.. exactly 60 day's young.. uwaaaa sakit.. luckily i was being fed at the time the doctor gave injection.. otherwise i'll scream on top of my lung..

close up wajah sedih saya..

finally this jejaka kacak is my pak teh.. i haven't seen him yet since he study abroad.. he'll be back this coming august and ohhh by the way he's still eligible.. ;)


Anonymous said...

laaa ttt oiiii..besar2 dah adik ati nih...ensem2 lak tuh...pergghhh!!!yg pak su tu dok terbayang rupa amik UPSR dulu lg ahaksss!!! sis still eligible too hehe

Anonymous said...

ehehe besa dah la ki.. dah bape taun lak kan since dia lps upsr dulu.. ahakss joy single mingle lg kan.. leh la ckp kt pak teh hasif nanti.. tp dia lmbt lak lg nak grad.. ahahahah kalau dia tau mesti dia mare ni.. ada ati lak nak match make kan dia..