mm it's been a while since i wrote anything here.. ma n pa had been slightly bz lately.. so being a good son as i always am, i just go with the flow..
ok without further ado.. let me share my trip blk kg last weekend.. ops it's not last weekend actually.. it's the weekend before that.. we reached ma's hometown around 5:45 pm.. saturday, 21st july.. we were warmly greeted by atuk n uwan.. how much i miss them.. uwan had taken care of me right before i was born until i'm 63 day's old.. ohhhhhhhhh i finally had the ooportunity to meet my pak teh.. n yes, he is soooooo tall.. n he likes making cooing n wooing sounds whenever he sees me.. but pak su was not around.. he had a quiz on sunday.. thus cannot make it to join us..
best balik kampung.. we had a sate bbq that nite.. that is saturday nite.. i had seen that ma n pa had eaten to their heart's content.. luckily i can't eat anything solid yet.. or else i will also gain some more weight that nite (just like ma :D)..
though our stay was very short.. i have to say that i have a great time.. everybody seems so eager to hold me n hug me n love me..
side view of papa n pak long.. both were admiring pak teh's skill hitting the ballon.. maybe he acquire all these skills from his frequest trips to the hospital eh..?
at first i'm sleeping peacefully..
then mama kacau daun with her camera.. i'm already awake..
all in all, i can say that i had a fabulous times balik kampung.. n i also have the opportunity to meet pak teh's fren from greece, who came to visit us on monday.. but i forgot to take photo with him.. x pe la.. maybe next time..
wow... having good time at your kampung, ya?
very good indeed spec.. :D
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