Sunday, July 8, 2007

Hey Good Cooking..

Sunday, 08th July 2007.

today, me and papa hasif had planned to spend our sunday at home since we had been out the whole day for the past weekends.. so many things to do before.. bought things for the house etc.. maybe now it's time to simply rest and relax at home..
we had also planned to cook a special meal today.. home made pizza.. yummy.. thanks dandelion for sharing the receipe and the tips.. very useful info since mama hasif doesn't even know how to knead the dough.. ehehe.. :P

we started at 12:30pm.. i'm feeling very confident since i had memorize the receipe well and even watched the videos on the net on how to knead the dough.. punye la semangat.. eheheh we were both sooooo excited.. first time ever ni.. so 12:30pm i started mixing and kneading the dough, while papa hasif prepared the ingredients for the pizza sauce.. chopping onion n garlic.. prepare chicken cubes n slice the mushroom.. luckily baby hasif was sleeping soundly.. adoiii i never knew that it's so hard to knead with your own bare hands.. punye la lenguh rasa.. from time to time i keeps on calling papa hasif asking whether the dough is ready yet or not.. haii macam mana nak meniaga pizza ni..

however the end product was very tasty.. seriously.. the dough was soft.. the topping was full with chicken (my favourite) and mushrooms (papa hasif's favourite).. i think we can simply beat pizza hut or our latest addiction, dominos pizza.. ;) :D

the process..

the dough..






close up pizza yg sodap..
edited on 18 Aug. 2007
the pizza recipe.. thanks heaps to dandelion for sharing the wonderful and easy to prepare recipe.
Pizza Crust
25 ounces / 7.1 grams active dry yeast
1 cup warm water ~ 45 degress C
2 cups bread flour
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons white sugar

1. In a small bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes.
2. In a large bowl, combine 2 cups bread flour, olive oil, salt, white sugar and the yeast mixture. Stir well to combine.
3. Beat well until a stiff dough has formed.
4. Cover and rise until doubled in volume, about 30 minutes.
5. Preheat oven to 175 degress C.
6. Turn dough out onto a well floured surface. Form dough into a round and roll out into a pizza crust shape.
7. Cover with favorite sauce and toppings and bake in preheated oven until golden brown, about 20 minutes.

Pizza Sauce
4 cloves garlics ~ diced
1 big onion ~ diced
1 small can tomato puree
4 tablespoons chillie sauce
olive oil
dried basil/ oregano leaves/ italian herbs

1. Heat oil and saute all the diced ingredients.
2. Add tomato puree and chillie sauce.
3. Finally add dried basil/ oregano leaves/ italian herbs, salt and pepper to taste.
For the topping, i use chicken fillet, mushroom and mozarella sauce.


Ina said...

Wow! The pizza really looks tempting la strawberry! I plak yang teringin nak buat pizza sbb dah lama tak buat. Honestly I lagi suka yg buat sendiri ni sbb d pizza crust buat I rasa tak muak langsung n lebih sedap. I have yet to try topping ayam. Nak buat mcm pizza Hawaiian la nanti. Congrats sbb berjaya buat pizza! :D

spectacularwave said...

mama hasif... can I have a slice of pizza? ;) it looks so yummmy!

Mama Hasif said...

dandelion.. it's really a great recipe n ur tips really helps.. betul la.. lagi sedap buat psl kita bleh buat crust tu mcm mana kita suka.. nak tebal ke.. thin crust ke.. nanti u bleh la jual pizza kt japs..;)

Mama Hasif said...

spec.. u r more than welcome to try.. eheheh tp kena dtg my house la.. not only a slice.. halp pan of the pizza pun bleh.. :D

Zetty said...

wahh, teror betul ko and ina buat pizza .. teringin gak nak try, tapi aku tak blh nak wat sbb cuma ada microwave kat umah .. bukan setakat pizza, selain tuh tak bleh nak masak favorite cake aku .. uwaaaa ... susah betul kalau duduk jejauh sgt and tak boleh nak beli brg umah byk sgt ..

Anonymous said...

yatie.. aku try buat pun psl terliur tgk gamba kt blog ina.. kalau x, x penah ter pk pun nak try.. :D ehehe kau x yah la buat pizza bagai kt sana.. mkn kebab pak arab kan lg sodap.. pehhh terliur lak rs bila igt..

Anonymous said...

ya ALLAH tttt...
makin menjadi2 skill memasak ati ni eh...
pergghhhh...bila la den dapek raso nih???kecur tuh...:D

Anonymous said...

eheheheh eksen je lebih tu ki.. dlm gamba je nmpk appetizing (merendah diri ni... :P)

Anonymous said...

mama hasif, yummmy..ur pizza looks so delicious..if u don't mind,can i have ur recipe?where have u been?long time no see :( by the way,can i have ur email address?

Anonymous said...'s me actually..mama anis asking 4 ur recipe..:D