Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Birthday Hasif Part II

hasif.. this is u in the morning of ur birthday..

ma had to work late on the nite of hasif's birthday.. lucky tht papa had asked permission from his boss to go back early.. by 5pm, papa already picked up hasif from nursery.. but sadly mama had loads of works to do tht is urgent, to be completed tht nite.. when ma finally reached home, it was closed to 9pm already.. pa opened the door for mama, n the moment i stepped inside the house, we heard hasif called 'mama'.. he was actually sleeping tht time, but woke up when ma entered the house.. eheheh psychic la hasif ni.. tau eh mama dah blk.. since it was already late, we went to nearby jusco permas for birthday dinner..

this is the super excited birthday boy..

this is for papa..

this is for mama..

this one is specially for the birthday boy.. eheh now tht he's already 1 year old, he's officially qualified to order his own food.. but hasif already full at tht time, he drank so much on our way there.. Alhamdulillah hasif still breasfeeding.. n papa already gave him dinner earlier, around 7pm.. hasif managed to eat only 1 piece of the burger.. the rest..? ehehe tanya papa..

this is the birthday cake.. we bought only a slice of brownies ice cream..

mula2 hasif usya kek n lilin..

n then dia jadik geram sgt.. siap angkat2 kaki nak panjat meja..


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Our Darling is Now One Year Old..!!!

how time flies.. it's now officially 365 days since i first hold u in my arms.. 365 nights tht we had been sleeping together at night.. 365 days that i nurse u.. 365 days tht is full of joy and laughter.. and most importantly, it marks our first year anniversary as a parent..

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our beloved baby.. Hasif.. we love u so much with each passing day.. i'm going to write u a long letter sometimes within this week.. so tht when u growup, u will read n understand how special u are.. the joy tht u bring to our life..

hasif - 1 day old.. with chubby pink cheek..

2 days old..

1 week old..

during berandoi - right after Aqiqah - 2 weeks old..
1 months old..

2 months old..

3 months old..

4 months old.. tgh musim suka menghisap sume benda..

5 months old..

6 months old.. in our room in penang..

7 month's old.. during our trip to zoo melaka..

8 months old..

9 months old..

10 months old..

11 months old..

the big boy.. at 12 months..
*yawn* mama ni asik amek gamba je..

Mother's Heart

I loved you from the very start,
You stole my breath, embraced my heart.
Our life together has just begun
You're part of me my little one.
As mother with child, each day I grew,
My mind was filled with thoughts of you.
I'd daydream of the things we'd share,
Like late-night nenen and little chillies.
Like first steps and skinned knees,
Like bedtime stories and ABC's.
I thought of things you'd want to know,
Like how birds fly and flowers grow.
I thought of lessons I'd need to share,
Like standing tall and playing fair.
When I first saw your precious face,
I prayed your life be touched with grace.
I thanked the God from above,
And promised you unending love.

Each night I lay you down to sleep,
I gently kiss your head and cheek.
I count your little fingers and toes;
I memorize your eyes and nose.
I linger at the door,
Awed each day I love you more.

Through misty eyes, I dim the light,
I whisper, "I love you" every night.
I loved you from the very start,
You stole my breath, embraced my heart.
As mother and child our journeys begin,
My heart's yours forever little one.

Sunday, April 13, 2008



the latest addition to Zainuddin's clan...

our brand-new bundle of joy..

(this is the daugther of ma's elder brother)

the baby was born on 9 April 2008, 9:59am..
weight at born: 2.60kg

the baby seems to be good.. slight jaundice but otherwise in a pink of health.. lots of sleep.. errr that's what baby do right.. hasif seems to be so huge standing right next to the tiny baby.. no pics of hasif with the baby though.. need to maintain the distance between hasif n the baby.. scared that he might try to pull her hair or whatever ehehe.. though at one time hasif seems to be scared when the baby starts screaming..

the proud siblings.. abg haziq (the eldest), kak nadrah (dah pandai bergaya bila amek gamba skang- this is the second child)..

the proud father..

calm before the storm ehehehe..

ehehe meh enterframe hasif.. this is our fav guy getting ready before we went out today..
so in the end of the day, ma have to go back to the same old spot.. btw tq papa for preparing the workspace for me..