Saturday, June 28, 2008

Father's Day Special I..

father's day 2008 falls on sunday, 13 june 2008.. this was the second time pa celebrated father's day.. well okay right, third time if we consider the time tht hasif was still in my tummy.. initially we planned to hv a pre-father's day dinner on saturday nite.. but since the place was fully booked tht saturday, we had to switch to friday instead.. pak su was in our house at tht time.. cuti semester.. he chilled out in our abode for a week..

so after work tht friday, ma picked up hasif, go back for a while to nag pak su supaya siap cpt skit to fetch paksu.. and off we went to meet papa in jusco permas.. so from jusco permas, 1 kete je la.. bbq buffet in hyatt was spectacular, as usual ehehehe.. we noticed tht this time around there were a few more additions to the spread.. much to our delight.. unfortunately we did not take much photos..pak su tgh kontrol macho mkn ehehehe.. ma said pak su was such a good mkn partner since his appetite matches us.. so berbaloi la kan ehehehe..

hasif n pak su during one of those rare moments when hasif actually sit in his alloted chair.. most of time he prefers to roam around the hall.. always on the run.. tarik everything along the way.. adusss..

the new addition of deserts that ma soooooooooooo in love with.. ehehehe.. introducing the ice cream with choc, strawberry n fruits with melted choc and abc with choc.. yummy.. n yes mama managed to consume all these, in addition to plates of seafood n steak n cakes n lots more chocs.. (no wonder mama makin mengembang :P)

when the food lost its appeal, tht's a clear sign that the tummy is full.. main2 kat luar jap tepi pool before we call it a day..
nothing new with this act.. mcm biasa hasif suka sgt nak rampas spec org..


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

wuissshhhh sodapnya lak aiii den nengok!!! nanti buleh la bwk i ke situ kan ;)

Anonymous said...

lehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. kalau ramai2 lg syok.. leh kita buat tpt tu mcm umah keluarga kita je ehehe..