Saturday, June 28, 2008

Father's Day Special Part II..

another belated entry.. but it's ok since x basi pun :P


actual date of event: 15 june 2008, sunday..

initially ma planned to give a surprise cup cakes to papa.. unfortunately the cupcake lady cannot do the delivery that sunday, her car was in workshop.. accident.. so we had to settle with the only choice that we have.. to collect the cuppies in plentong.. barely 5 mins drive from our house.. papa was surprised nonetheless :)

cantik kan cupcakes ni.. moist choc cake topped with choc ganache.. the choc topping was so thick n generous.. berbaloi la beli though the cake was actually a bit dry.. but still sodap..

around 9:30am, we went out from the house.. had some planned activities for the day.. 1st thing 1st.. we stopped by in pak long's house to fetch abg haziq n kak nadrah.. pak long had some work to do, so he was not joining us.. next we went to hutan bandar.. mandi manda jap kt situ..

cantik gak tpt mandi tu.. tp lps kuar br perasan.. dia ada sign ckp for kids below 12 year's old je patut nye.. x pe la.. belasah je la.. dah siap mandi dah pun :D

aiseh gamba papa x de la since papa was too bz snapping the, we hit the mcd for a quick lunch.. not so quick la since papa n pak su ate a lot ahahaha.. hasif ate not so much, a little bit of the porridge and ayam grg.. abg haziq drank too much.. 2 cups of milo, thus no appetite for lunch.. kak nadrah was too preoccupied her new kungfu panda toys.. seriously, can anyone imagine how can those 2 guys managed to consume their special big mac - the mega mac (alaaa the one tht has 4 beef patties n 3 buns), shared 2 pcs of fried chicken and a large porridge.. ok la, mama tumpang skit tp skit je laa :P

after that was time for johor zoo.. our first time here.. hasif was excited, but not so much la since he was sleepy.. ehehehe sian hasif..
ok.. smpi2 amek gamba dulu.. the zoo had no alloted parking space (or did we miss the parking..?).. we just park by the road side..

the camel was so near to us.. one can actually rub those camel's head if u want to.. but a bit jijik la sbb gigi unta tu kuning sgt :D :P seriously, they have a set of big, stained teeth..

the bird on our right was quite peramah.. hasif loves the bird, keeps on trying to knock the poor creature's head..

waaaa this tiger was soooooo fierce.. the cage is soooooooooooo near to where we stand.. if u extend ur hand, u can actually touch the door in front of the tiger.. n the tiger keeps on mengaum.. perghhh kering darah jap.. pak su dendam betul la ngan tiger tu psl buat dia terkejut ahahaah.. hasif was amazed with the tiger n did not seems to be disturbed with his loud sound.. kak nadrah also was glued to see more of the poor animal's. but abg haziq dah lari jauh from the first time rimau tu mengaum eheheh..

we did watched the transformation of this peacock.. from just a humble bird to a beauty.. sume org kagum jap.. tht's why i felt that this zoo was quite special.. though it was small in size, u can actually got a very nice view of the animals..

muka separa cuak pak su with the snake.. macho la tu, hati di dlm sape yg tauuuu ;)

penat nye jalan.. mcm nak tercabut tempurung lutut..

we were supposed to go to danga bay after that.. tp penat sgt dah.. so we just stop by in mamak's for a drink, then send abg haziq n kak nadrah blk..
ehehheeheh abg haziq merajuk lps smpi umah psl dia nak trus gi main umah kwn dia tp umi dia x kasik eheheh..


Ina said...

dah lama xtgk hasif. nmpk dh besar. sure dh ligat kan. mama dia dh xyah risau la nnt leh kurus keje kejar hasif je hehe. alamak best la plak tgk binatang2 sumer. dh lama xg zoo huhu ;D

Anonymous said...

inaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa................ welkam back :D ahaha x de mana nye kurus ina oii.. i ni kalau kt restauran tu, smbil kejar hasif leh sambil mengunyah tau.. lagi byk mkn ada la psl perut lapa byk exercise berlari ahahaha.. ina gi la zoo kat nihon.. musti lagi byk binatang kan.. panda bear yg kiut miut tu pun mesti ada kan.. waaa leh seludup sekor masuk beg leh buat pet :)