Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Second's Anniversary..!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 July 2008

mama n papa's second wedding anniversary.. here's wishing for a lots more years together :)

semoga hidup kami diberkati selama nye.. pjg umur, murah rezeki, bahagia sentiasa.. Aminnn..

- how time flies.. 2 years already.. n Alhamdullilah life had been great.. we have Hasif, who's growing up just fine.. our source of happiness.. our little life line.. one look at him n all our troubles n worries dissappears.. n most importantly.. we have each other.. thanks papa hasif for being such a charming n wonderful partner all this while.. so understanding even when ma is not in her best behaviour ehehehe.. hope u will never change :D i love u just the way u are..


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all of you. may your life fill wit hapinness today and alaways.

Anonymous said...

thanks heaps tan for the good wishes.. may all of us be blessed always.. Aminnn..

Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

Alhamdulillah...dah 2 thn eh...didoakan pjg umur, murah rezeki, berbahagia forever....

Anonymous said...

ehehe mekasih la ye ki.. jap je rasa kan.. kalau pjg umur, anniversary ke-50 leh la bersanding lagi skali ahahaha :D

Ina said...

happy 2nd anniversary! semoga berbahagia ke akhir hayat :D wah i plak terasa 'tua' ke 'gelojoh'? kawin cpt sgt hihihi

Anonymous said...

congrats! semoga makin diberkati..aminnn

Anonymous said...

eheheh mekasih ina.. mintak2 kekal la smpi ke syurga.. ahahahah kalau kawen cpt bukan gelojoh, tp seru dah smpi, terlebih 'laku' dah tu ;)

Mama Hasif said...

aminnnn.. berkat la doa kau hendak nye azni :D