Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Second's Anniversary Part II..

another backdated entry.. but again, it's better later than never kan..

our anniversary this fall on tuesday, 1 july.. wht makes it more interesting was that hasif is now a big boy.. dah bleh jln n lari2.. ma planned to have a surprise trip to anywhere close to our place.. just like wht i did to papa hasif's birthday in november last year.. eheheh kelentong papa ckp nak ajak gi kl jln2.. suddenly when we were at the melaka's exit in the hiway, ma asked papa to turned left.. papa was surprised but so happy nontheless..

so this year ma planned nak surprise kan papa lagi during our anniversary..again, ma told papa tht we should go to kl jalan2 smbil shopping2.. eheheh mcm x de idea lain, blk2 kl.. pa said ok, so off we went in the morning of 7th june 2008, sunday morning (since papa was working tht saturday n ma also worked half day)..

before went out.. dua org yg sgt excited .. (ma dah plan nak sambung tdo dlm kete ehheeh)
along the way, hasif was a bit ngada2.. x mo tido, asik main n merengek psl dia nak main celup2 tgn dlm air dlm bekas air papa.. mula2 mama kasik tp pastu habis lak tilam dia basah, so mama tutup botol tu.. tu yg dia dok ngamuk tu.. towards the end of the video clip, he smiled cos papa pass kan botol air tu..

notice in this vid tht hasif outfit dah tuka.. eheheh hasif vomitted slightly in the car.. maybe sbb mama kasik hasif tuna croissant yg mama mkn dlm keta for breakfast..

smpi exit pd, ma asked papa to turned left.. this time around, papa was not that surprised.. he said he already sensed that we were going somewhere other than kl.. apparently pa noticed tht ma bought a sun block for hasif a week before tht.. aiseh mama x pandai cover la..

when we almost reached pd, pa asked where are we going to stay.. ma said in sri pena, which is nst's apartment (we can get their staff rate there ehehe).. papa said ok.. but then suddenly pa said, next time we better try the chalet above the water.. the avillion.. ehehehe masa tu mama dah nak tersengih2 dah.. mama mmg booked avillion.. tp x mo ckp kt papa lagi.. mama buat muka biasa n told papa tht i heard tht for avillion, we need to make reservation earlier as they normally fully booked, except on regular days.. haa betul la tu psl mama booked our room about 2 months earlier, n even then we got the last premium water chalet for tht sunday.. kalau regular water chalet tu ada la lagi.. anyway when we were near avillion, pa said haaaa ni avillion kat dpn ni.. next time we really should try this.. ma diam lagi time tu.. so bila dah smpi simpang nak masuk ke avillion, ma asked papa to turn left.. papa was veeeeeeeeeeery surprised n sooooooooo happy.. the look in his face is priceless.. ehehehe best la surprise kan papa camni.. bila smpi je kt avillion hasif pun bangun.. dpt la sejam suku tido.. jaaadi la..

the place is beautiful.. the design is like malay architecture, with greeneries everywhere.. we were welcomed with the sound of gamelan.. there was a group of guys playing the gamelan in one corner in front of the chalet..

(P/S Pls ignore ma's body-builder's arm ehehehee.. byk sgt gi gym kot ni :P)

kat dlm tu cantik sgt.. however we forgot to take photos near the garden chalet.. the view there is enchanting as well, mmg mcm dlm garden..

cantik kan... they have a few of these along the walkway.. they called it 'look-out' where they put a couple of pangkin in a strategic locations so u can rest facing the sea..

this is our room, with a king size bed and a day bed near the window.. the day bed is big as well.. i honestly think tht the room can fit 4 adults..

hasif smpi2 trus berkemas..

view ms air tgh surut..

the advantage of the premium water chalet is tht ur chalet directly face the open sea, n not facing any other chalet.. so extra privacy la.. view from our room.. this is during the low tide.. air tgh surut..

papa tgh berangan smbil tersengih.. papa berangan next time nak bwk mama ngan hasif rest kt sini smpi seminggu ke..? eheheheh...

the bathroom is spacious.. they have a bath tub, and also a shower.. the shower is special, with their open air concept where u can actually see they sky and the sea while taking bath.. tp kalau ujan, basah la kan..

us at the kid's cabin.. they have activities for kids there.. hasif became sooo excited, smpi meleleh2 air liur ehehehe..

papa ngan hasif dlm usaha nak menangkap peacock.. goreng pun sodap tuuu.. ehehehe.. btw they have a group of peacock there, free to roam around the compound area.. based on the sign board that they have, they actually called the peacock juhara and the group eheheh.. comei la makcik juhara ni.. geram tgk..

ehem yg 2 org ni diet ke breakfast mkn epal je ke..? btw i really think tht avillion have a strong pastry chef.. their pastries are soooo sodap.. (no wonder mama mkn smpi 3 ketul n tapau seketul blk ehehehehe)..

hamboiii seronok nye bersantai mandi manda smbil mkn pizza tepi pool ngan ber'dessert kan eskrim haagan daz.. kalau hari2 mcm ni kan syok papa (ehehehe tgk tu hasif, papa start garu kepale dgr kita mintak camni hari2 :P)

the beach is clean and well-maintained.. in their daily rooster, they actually appoint someone to wipe the footprints from the beach, twice daily..!

hasif si budak comot ehehehe..

masa ni dah nak blk.. end of our short, 3 days 2 nights trip.. we'll definitely come back here.. so long, till we meet again..!


spectacularwave said...

ramainya orang dah gi water chalet ni... best eh ti...

cam teringin gaks nak gi hehehehe