Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Day in The Farm

there is a pet farm in avillion.. not so big but veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery clean.. they washed the place i think twice daily, morning and afternoon.. we had seen it as each time we were out from our room, we will pass by the pet's farm..

hasif was so excited with the pets tht they have there.. rabbits, guinea pig, white dove, peacock and peahen, ayam.. each time we pass the area, hasif will shrieked in delight.. n keeps on calling those pets..

ehehe siap duduk tu ngadap ayam :D

opssss tersasar jap.. tu bukan pets okeh hasif..

they had this feed-a-pet session daily at 10am.. since hasif seems to be so interested with those pets, we made it a point to feed those pets on our second day there..

so monday morning, we finished our breakfast at 9am.. ehehe it was still early.. we went for breakfast early, before 8am psl hsif bgn cpt.. so after breakfast we went jalan2 around the compound area first, waiting for the 10am date with the pets..

okeh.. when the door to the farm opened, we became instant celebrity..! ehehe tgk la betapa popular nye mama ngan hasif pada rabbit2 tu.. papa bz amek gamba lagi eheh..

hasif was totally enjoying himself.. tp lawak psl bila dah lama2, hasif dok nangis nak mkn roti yg kitorg kasik kat pets tu sume.. jgn main2 management kasik pets tu mkn roti gardenia wholemeal tawwww eehheeh.. mmg klakar time tu.. tgk hasif nangis2 smbil nganga mulut.. smbil ckp 'nakk.. nakkk..' eheheheh.. berebut mknn la pulak.. anak mama ni, td time bfst x nak mkn :P

i love this photo.. hasif was trying to pick the sunflower seeds to be fed to the rabbit..

muka cuak hasif.. initially hasif was ok with the rabbit.. he tried to hold their body, n much to my horror he even tried to step on the rabbit's head.. but then suddenly one of the rabbit started to chew on his thigh.. then he became traumatized maybe eheheh.. not that it's hurt off course..

tgk tu.. kemain tinggi hasif angkat kaki.. dok panjat2 bdn mama.. ehehehe sian anak mama ni.. by the time kitorg kuar dr pet's farm ni, baju mama mmg penuh ngan kesan tapak kasut la ahahahah..

ni plak muka cuak mama.. takut oo kalau dia gigit camne.. hasif dah lari jauh2 dulu eheheh..

pose ala2 manja gitu ngan ayam kat situ.. the pet-keeper was the one responsible to put it on my shoulder.. well sorry ayam2 kat bahau, i'll not put u guys on my shoulder.. not in a million years :P

we were there for almost an hour jugak la.. blk bilik, trus mandi kan hasif n hasif yg kepenatan trus bummmmmmmmm..


Anonymous said...

one of my friends ada gak reccomend gi kat avillion nie so dia kids friendly sket resort nie. tp bila chk rate dia alamak.. cancellah. cam nk stay kat langkawi lak price dia. tp tulah byk faciltiy n tempat nk pegi. tu yg best. nntilah kalau ada rezeki bawak akif gi situlah. sure dia enjoy punya.

Anonymous said...

kalau ikut rate mmg tinggi tan.. published rate tu x masuk lagi dia nye tax ngan service charge.. mmg kena kumpul duit la nak pegi eheeheheh.. tp sbb dia cantik kan, so bleh la dipertimbang kan lagi..

Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

waaaa ttiiiiii...berani dah eh skrg nih main2 ngan binatang...bkn dulu takut ke??

igt lg time nak pegang live gamat kat pangkor cmna ati menjerit dulu...satu pulau buleh dgr...:D hehe i pun join gak menjerit time tuh :D

Anonymous said...

ahahah ki, lawak lak rasa bila igt.. geli tul eh si gamat tu.. lembik2 je.. sama2 la kita jadi drama queen ms tu :D

n satu lagi terigt masa gi umah alin ms dia buat open house dulu.. tdo kat bwh pastu kucing dia dtg gesel2 kaki.. ahaha punye la terkujat den smpi terkejut satu umah..

skang x takut sgt dah la.. psl dah ada anak kecik kena la macho eheheh.. tp ngan binatang berbulu2 ni still geli.. n off course lipasssssssssssssss... terigt dulu ki lipas kt umah kita kt penang eheheeh.. n ms kat mse flat intan penah tlg kejar kan lipas smpi luka2 lutut dia.. ehehehe igt lagi x tan..? kau mmg hero aku la time tu..

Ina said...

bestnya avillion tuh. i baca citer u pun rasa mcm nak pegi sangat! even pricey tp sure puas hati kan service tip top. memang sesuai sangat la celebrate anniversary kat situ hehe.

alahai rabbit tu makan jari hasif ke hehe. jinak betul n comel je kan. sure sebab dah biasa jumpa org ramai. dlu i ada gak bela rabbits. tp xlarat lah nk jaga. penat! ;P

Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

hahahaha lawak la kan ti igt2 blk...

ha hasif..igt tuh...mama tu dulu penakut bobonar...asik jerit je keja dia :D kojap2 terkojut kojap2 terkojut...eden pon ikut sekali haaaa...:D

tp utk hasif mama dah jd macho..hero...cayalah tttt!!!go girl!!baru buleh pggl ibu mithali..rodah ajo sumo ehhh...

Ina said...

hi mama hasif senyap je. how r u? hope everything is fine. nway selamat berpuasa. sorry ye if ada salah silap. update la blog... share menu2 bukak poser ke hehe ;)