Monday, May 25, 2009

Danga Cruise..

we took the danga cruise on sunday, 26 april.. had heard about the cruise for quite some times, but for some reasons never tried it.. the cruise is quite cheap if we took only the cruise without buffet dinner (rm10 only) since the cruise covers jb area and it tooks around 2 hours.. but plus buffet dinner it is 50 ea.. memandang kan lama nak naik atas tu, cam boring lak kalau x mkn2.. tmbh hasif kang kalau tgk org mkn kot2 dia meraung lak nak mkn skali, so amek la the one with dinner.. not so much ppl took the cruise tht night.. in fact only 3 parties onboard.. us, a chinese family tht consist of 3, and indian couple.. yg amek dinner only us and the chinese family.. not sure whether blk modal ke x dia bwk kitorg mlm tu eheheh..

hasif recently kalau soh senyum, suka buat muka camni.. such a big boy now.. grown up sooo fast..
on the second deck.. the ship is quite big.. 3 decks altogether.. we ate alfresco.. not so much variety for the buffet dinner.. for 40 ea, baik top u skit lagi leh buffet kt putri pacific.. but the taste is quite good.. menu was bihun grg (this one is sooooooo good.. infact momma had 2 servings of this..!), nasik putih with blackpepper beef (marvelous.. sodap sgt), ikam kembung masak kicap (alahaiii mkn ikan kombun den ateh kapal..!), chicken curry, tofu, omelette, sayo n sup sayo.. for appetizer ada la fruits, mango pudding (this one is good) and cakes (mint choc cake, kepantangan den tu..!)..all in all we had a good time.. the weather is good.. so cool and refreshing.. hasif definitely enjoyed it..


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

ni apa yg mama blankkan muka tu hasif?? ada la tu rasa tak chun tuh...same old atii :D

mama hasif said...

ahahahaha sgt bijak umi d ni.. mama ckp muka dia dlm tu x de iras fazura, so dia blank kan la :P