Friday, May 22, 2009

Fish Spa

another old entry.. these were taken on 26 jan 2009.. we went to muar for an engagement of mom's cousin.. on our way back after the kenduri, stop by at giant in muar's town..

memula bebudak ni panas kan enjin kt tpt mainan dulu.. strategically located besides the escalator.. cehh.. lokasi yg agak keji psl sume budak nak naik escalator akan menggelintin bila tgk..

before we went inside the supermarket, we noticed this fish spa.. papa n atuk gave it a try.. mama..? ehehe kalau mama masuk harus la hasif lompat skali dlm air tu..

papa.. all excite (atau meng'cover geli..? ehehehe)
atuk beraksi cool sementara uwan mengusya ikan2 yg gumuk tu..
euwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww............. ikan 2 ekor yg dkt buku lali kanan tu smpi tebalik2 bdn dia nak mkn kaki..


Ina said...

haa teruskan update dgn citer2 terkini. dah lama sgt menyepi ni hehe. welcome back!

Mama Hasif said...

ehehe tq ina.. lama sgt x update.. nak jln2 blog org pun x smpt.. konon2 bz la tu :P