Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hasif Second Birthday

Date: 11 April 2009, Saturday
Time: 3 pm
Venue: Our Humble Abode in Bandar Seri Alam

It's a shame to see how sparse the entry had been for the past 12 months.. and for 2009, almost 5 months had passed and this will be our first entry for the year..!

we held a mkn2 for hasif's birthday on sat, 11 April.. the actual birthday was actually on 15 April.. the initial plan was the birthday do will be held on 25 april, saturday.. however last minutes there were unforeseen circumstances tht caused the party to be held much earlier than the planned date..

the invites.. theme was thomas and friends as hasif is sooo fond of thomas.. for goodie bag, we ordered a thomas paper bag, red in color..lokasi kejadian..

pak long was busy arranging the foods.. we had satay, nasik ayam haji wahid, soto was prepared by the guy who owns the canopy, then we had karipap sardin + cendol (prepared by our dear uwan), and some tit bits.. Alhamdulillah all of the foods were good.. the hit that afternoon was chupa cup lolipops.. eheheeh abis satu botol besa..
satay man.. en suhaimi from pelentong.. satay dia sgt marvelous esp satay daging.. sape nak no dia sila contact kami (iklan khidmat masyarakat ini adalah percuma)..

some of the early guest.. x la paling cpt sebenar nye.. the event supposed to start at 3pm, but some of mama's frens were here as early as 12:30 ehehehe.. so papa terpaksa la drift pegi restoren haji wahid tapau kan nasik ayam eheheh.. anyway these are hasif's teachers.. the one in brown is teacher june.. the one in blue is teacher zie.. those are excellent teachers..

hasif cried when the teacher carried him.. gatai nooo.. kalau kt school asik nak berdukung.. kt umah menyombong skit.. sad to say, yesterday was teacher zie's last day in nuri.. she has a degree and initially intends to further study in UKM.. but unable to secure a place, so she decided to further study in indonesia.. we were supposed to hv a farewell lunch with her this coming weekend, but then the management decided tht she can finished off her contracts one week earlier.. last minute plan was to hv a quice dinner somewhere near last nite, again last minute the plan was discarded since the agency wants to come and arrange her ticket.. x de rezeki.. maybe one day we can meet her in jakarta when go to bandung (hint.. hint....) (btw pls excuse baju yg dok tergantung kt pagar blkg tu.. kejap je pun dpt sidai, sat lagi ujan lebattttttttt)

mak ngah n beautiful uzma..
these are among the guest tht came during the first hour..langit dah start gelap.. so we decided not to wait for more guest to arrive, cpt2 nak potong kek.. sad to say gamba x byk psl we forgot to charge the batteries for the camera.. most of the photos in this entry was courtesy of my neighbour.. lucky tht they stayed until potong kek.. so ada la gamba potong kek bagai ehehe..

hasif's birthday cake.. choc moist topped wih choc fudge.. ordered from a friend in mmhe.. this cake was a hit.. sangat sodap.. after the event, many of frens were asking for her contact no.. hasif mkn byk sgt kek ni.. mula mama suap.. bila dah x larat nak suap psl sibuk nak layan org, dia mkn sendiri ehehehe..
okehh memula papa tlg bukak kotak..
the birthday boy was all excited..

happy birthday to uuuu.. happy birthday to uuuuu.. happy birthday to haaaasifffffffffffffff...
as usual, mak ngah menggepalai upacara potong kek..

atuk control maco smbil mkn kacang.. pki spek itam psl mata br lps operate cataract..
papa n abg adha.. each time hasif tgk photo ni, dia jerit 'nak pegiii.. nak pegiii..' ahahah nak masuk dlm gamba.. jeles agak nye tgk papa dgn abg adha..
birthday boy with his mom yg tgh kembang kempis idung tahan bangga psl anak eh dah 2 taun..
ni gamba bos mama.. memula dia dah book umah kt blkg ni.. tp lps tu x jadik psl dia nak dok jb.. blessing in disguise i would like to say eheheh..

itu je la gamba ms event siang tu yg ada.. gamba yg terang tu dr dslr my neighbour.. yg kelabu asap skit dr hp samsung mama.. hajat dihati nak tahan neighbour tu x mo kasik blk, biar amek gamba smpi mlm.. tp segan lak nak ckp ahahaha.. psl dia nak blk tampoi dah.. ok la tuu.. byk gak tu ahehehe..

uzma yg pki pampers je time ni tgh ngamuk.. marah psl ape ek.. dah x igt.. ms ni dah lps kemas.. the last guest left around 7 pm kot rasa nye.. hasif melopong pandang uma nangis psl uma jarang ngamuk..

bebudak la paling excited part adiah eheheh.. best.. thanks heaps to everyone..
duduk2 jap sementara tunggu sesi bukak adiah.. slides and swing set kt blkg tu was our gift for hasif during raya last year..
nabihah yg comei.. tp apsal buat muka tekanan perasaan je ni.. maybe dah ngantuk..
this is the winner of the biggest gift.. from mak ngah n co.. sblh tu were gifts from atuk+uwan n pak long n co
this is the winner for the 'early bird special' eheheh... adiah first yg hasif dpt 1 month before the event.. dpt by post.. from umi dayana.. thanks heaps sweetheart.. ni bj paling branded yg hasif ada ehehehe..
and this is the winner for the last gift category.. from Uncle..hasif excited sgt2 sbb dpt train thomas..
all in all, we did have a wonderful time in organizing the event.. despite the heavy rains, ramai org yg dtg... thanks heaps guys.. to uwan n atuk yg dtg on monday (5 days before the event), and mak ngah n co who were here as early as thursday, u guys rawkkkk :)


UmiZahran said...

Happy Birthday Hasif... suka tgk kek tu. kalau akif tgk x abis2 dia soh aku nyanyi lagu thomas...

Mama Hasif said...

thanks tan.. eheheh lawa kan kek tu.. tp tinggi banget susah nak potong. psl aku mintak besa skit.. dlm 4 kg.. akak tu x de mould besa kot.. so dia stack kan dua kek 4 segi.. nak potong bagi2 kat org leceh skit la eheheh.. anyway akif pun suka thomas eh..

Mak Ngah said...

Lps blk dr jb tu, adha asik tanya bila nak p jb lg.. seronok dia.. pastu siap tanya la pulak bila nak buat besday adha besar2an siap ada khemah cam besday hasif tu? abih la.. taun dpn sah2 dia tuntut tu..hehehe..

Mama Hasif said...

ehehe adha slalu buat besday party kt bahau.. x yah nak pki kemah dah psl bumbung luas eheheh.. sini ariut kalau x psg kemah, jenuh kita mkn dlm ujan :P anyway hasif tny bila nak mai sini lg mak ngah..? aritu x smpt nak g senibong..

Mak Ngah said...

Lupa lak nak ckp ari tu, lawa lak nampak muka mak ngah masa pki baju itam dukung si gorgous uzma tu kan hasif??? hehehe..

mama hasif said...

ahahhahahahahha.. nanti la den cuci leh ltk kt hall of fame kito kek lemari dapo kek bahau tu