Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Balik Kampung..

we went back to mama's hometown last weekend.. our initial plan is to meet the new baby.. my sis, hasif's mak ngah is supposed to give birth last wednesday, 19 sept.. but the baby had decided that she's not ready yet to leave the warm and comfortable womb.. we keeps on hoping and praying that she gave birth during the weekend.. so that we have the opportunity to meet her.. but Allah have greater plan for us..so todate, mak ngah is still heavily pregnant..

mak ngah at 40 weeks + 3 days (saturday nite, 22 sept)

but mak ngah is very impressive and strong.. she still fast every day without failure.. and never once that i heard her whine.. mak ngah had check up yesterday morning and the doc said the baby is ok.. heartbeat is fine.. so the doc gave mak ngah until tomorrow.. wednesday morning, if she still has not give birth, the doc will induce her.. so hope everything will turn out well.. we pray that she has a smooth labour experience (like what happen when she gave birh to her first son, abg adha).. Aminn..

we brought back this fresh kurma that papa bought in s'pore.. it is S$9 for each kg.. this is the first time in mama's n papa's life to look at a fresh kurma (eheheh is it really fresh..?? but since it is not dried out already, we guess it must be fresh).. it is crunchy with a slight bitter sweet taste.. sodap..

anyway hasif had a wonderful time in my parent's place.. everybody's eager to meet him, especially his atuk n uwan.. it had been 1 and a half month since we last balik kampung.. and for a 5 months' old baby, 1.5 months is indeed a long time, as hasif had grown up so much since then.. n mama n papa also had marvelous time buka puasa in my hometown.. best.. uwan prepared our favourite food for iftaar.. on sunday mama had her fav gulai masak lemak cili api ikan jenahak n spicy fried chicken.. yesterday, mama had her fav rendang ayam with kcg pjg n cucur udang, and papa had his peria (bittergourd) with udang.. n mak ngah had her all-time-fav karipap.. yummy.. we had been to pasa ramadhan near our place also.. we bought the blue water.. ehehehe the colour is soooooo tempting n the taste is good.. it is a mixed of kelapa bali n limau nipis.. on sunday we bought 2 packets of the blue drinks (price rm2 each).. but since it is so good, mama became so tamak n force poor papa to buy 3 packets of that blue drinks yesterday.. eheheh.. the price for the lauk in that pasar ramadhan also is ok.. i mean veryyy cheap.. my BIL bought the gulai daging salai and it only cost him rm3 for one bowl.. n the rendang ayam with maman is priced at rm3 for 2 pieces of the chicken.. somehow we were wondering whether the seller made any profit from our transactions.. ehehe..

hasif tgh picnic ngan abg adha n kak nadrah kt luar..
all in all we did have a wonderful time balik kampung..


spectacularwave said...

i hope Hasif's Mak Ngah selamat melahirkan.. wow it will be a Ramadhan baby. May Allah bless them.

I pun suka kurma fresh.. kelat-kelat manis.. my Mom rajin juga beli. Anyway memang kecur read about your menu berbuka in this entry. Siap ada air biruuuuu.. :)

Anonymous said...

thanks spec.. ehehe.. actually we are all very excited.. her 1st born is aidiladha baby.. now it will be ramadhan baby.. next time must be shawal baby or gong xi baby :D

sedap gak eh kurma fresh ni spec.. i mmg x penah rasa or even tgk.. spec, air biru tu sodap tau.. masam2 manis.. sbb tu la dgn tamak nye mama nak smpi 3 bgks.. :D