Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hasif is not well.. againnnnn..

the little prince was unwell last nite.. he was very healthy when ma picked him up on tuesday after office.. but suddenly, around 9 o'clock last nite, he woke up.. ma picked him up to nurse him since he had no appetite during the day.. but as soon as ma hold him, he vomited milk all over ma and the floor.. he vomited sooo much that made mama's and papa's hearts stopped beating for a second.. his body temperature also rise. n it's so hot.. papa immediately checked his temp, and much to our surprise, it is almost 39 deg. C.. ok red alert.. recurring fever is definitely not a good sign.. we wiped him with wet cloth to reduce the heat n ma tried to nurse him as frequent as possible to prevent dehydration.. however hasif did not slept so well last nite.. he keeps on waking up n moan..
so today, mama n papa decided to take leave n send him off to see the doc.. apparently hasif has throat infection, which was the reason why he does not feel well n keeps on vomiting.. the doc pescribed the following medicine which will be part of hasif's diet for the next few days.. eheh.. hopefully he likes the taste of the medicine..

now hasif already feels better n his body temp already reduce to normal.. he is now sleeping peacefully.. while he is asleep, papa prepared this marvelous dish for our dinner.. chilli crab.. eheheh ketam again since last week mama becomes so tamak n bought too much of the ketam.. anyway this one taste superb.. papa is definitely a very good cook.. yummy..


Anonymous said...

Glad that Hasif Comel xdemam teruk. Auntie Ina dulu masa baby demam teruk sampai doctor rush n put me nakedly in the ice box yg mcm tmpt ice cream tu tau!


Unknown said...

Poor boy. Hope he gets his appetite back soon. Poor Mama kena jaga "night shif" also eh?
Wah, my air liur meleleh looking at those crabs. Me want too!

Anonymous said...

ina.. ngeri nye.. demam panas eh dulu..? smpi masuk tpt ais tu.. iskk selisih la.. luckily sume ok eh.. or else u r not who u r today.. :D

Anonymous said...

ina.. ngeri nye.. demam panas eh dulu..? smpi masuk tpt ais tu.. iskk selisih la.. luckily sume ok eh.. or else u r not who u r today.. :D

Anonymous said...

hi lian.. thanks for dropping by :D luckily he's ok now.. so poor mama had to work OT night for 1 night only.. eheheh..

Anonymous said...

Huhu ntahla ye kot. I was then hospitalized for 4 days. Betul la u ckp if not I xde dh kot n xdpt la tgk Hasif yg comel nih hehehe. Ops na'uzubillah ;P


spectacularwave said...

I hope he feels much much better now, Yati. Hmm these days cuaca tak menentu.. I ni pun rasa lain macam..apa lagi babies..Hope he gets well soon..

Anonymous said...

tu la spec.. org tua2 mcm kita pun musim demam kan skang..hasif dah x demam.. tp tekak tu je mcm berlendir.. tu yg asik nak muntah psl tekak dia x selesa.. dah la org x de experience mcm kitorg ni mmg cpt panic.. :D

spectacularwave said...

ada tak sesapa suggest bagi minum air suam campur honey? cubalah kalau belum pernah tie, sebab honey tu good for getting rid of philegm. philegm tu yang merimaskan dia kan..

Anonymous said...

ooooo betul ke spec..? thanks for the tips.. nanti nak try la.. x suka sgt hasif mkn ubat since dia br 5 bulan.. honey tu acceptable la kan for babies.. nanti ptg nak mintak hubby tlg beli kan honey la dia blk keje tu.. thanks..