yeayyyyyyyyy.. we had given hasif his first taste of solid food last weekend.. sunday night, 23 sept after buka puasa, we gather in front of the tv.. happy mama was sitting right next to hasif, munching chocolate.. at that time hasif was playing.. but suddenly i noticed that he stared intently at me while making a chewing motion.. he even licked his lips.. I felt sadden with what i saw.. initially he was rolling over happily.. but when he noticed that i'm eating chocolates, he stopped and drooling over my food.. mak ngah said that it's ok if i gave him just a little bit of the chocolate for him to savour.. n i did.. n seems like hasif really enjoyed the taste.. so hasif's 1st solid food was kit kat chunky.. i did not gave the wafer though.. only the outer layer of the chocolate..

then yesterday when we were going out, papa bought a box of farley's rusk for hasif..
ehehhe mama n papa so excited.. first i nurse him n let him took a nap.. after about 20 mins, hasif wakes up.. n it time for his meal.. :D seronok nye rasa.. n i have to say that hasif really loves the rusk.. papa cut the rusk to smaller portion n hand it to hasif.. but hasif did nothing to the rusk except banging it to his hip.. lps tu mama decided that mungkin mama patut suap kan hasif rusk tu.. initially he refused to open his mouth, but once he did, he did not want to stop anymore :) n he keeps on pushing my hand, as if he want me to thrust the rusk further to his mouth..
ala dieeee....sedapppp???mai cikittt!!
hikhikhik cedap ooo umi d.. x sabar nak mkn porridge cam kak d..
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