Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hair Cut

i had my hair cut last tuesday, 25th dec.. ehehe this is the 2nd hair cut that i ever had.. the first time was in penang, 2 days before raya puasa.. pak anjang (papa's elder brother was the one responsible to chop my hair at that time..

this time around ma decided that we should seek for 'professional' assistant for a hair cut in order to reduce the mess..
before hair cut...

after hair cut..

i think i look more matured.. tul x..? eheheh..

yg ni plak gamba saya tgh mengamuk nak tido.. not my fault ok.. i hv runny nose.. so i don't feel comfortable..

A Perfect Weekend..

we woke up early today.. i mean hasif woke us up early.. 5:31am to be exact.. enough sleep maybe since he slept like a log since 6pm yesterday.. we tried to ignore him for more beautiful sleep but he keeps on kicking papa's head n playing with ma's tummy.. ehehe he has this habit to 'blow' our tummy n then grrrrrrr bite.. around 6:30am ma decided to bring hasif out for some morning walk.. (pa continued sleeping :P)

beautiful day.. the weather is nice.. hasif loves to see the birds flying.. we have this habit of greeting the birds daily..

went out around 12 o'clock for a hearty brunch of buffalo wings, chicken fajitas nachos and beef steak.. hasif already had his bfst at home.. but still when the foods arrived, he made the usual sound that he had when he's hungry.. hemppppppppphhhhhhhhhhh.. eheheh.. bila hasif lapar susu pun dia suka buat bunyik camtu.. there u go hasif.. ur first bite of mac n cheese, mashed potato and friday's sundae..

hasif tgh mkn dgn khusyuk nye smbil angkt kaki naik ats cam org kaya..

kenyang perut suka hati..
with the candy that the restaurant's assistant gave him..

we went home early to the freshly mown weeds in the house compound (thanks to papa hasif.. muahhh papa)

a good books..

treats to go with the books (hasif.. ni mama punye tau.. hasif x leh mkn cekelat nanti sembelit ;) )

life is bliss..

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Melon Story..

Once upon a time, there is a family who eat watermelon outside their house.. sambil mkn goyang kaki n baling2 the seeds to the ground.. not long after that, uwan notice that there was this weird plant on their ground.. yes, it is the watermelon..

this is the pokok tembikai..

we were so excited to see the watermelon.. since this is the first attempt to grow the melon in our own compound.. lucky that one of the melon ripened during the holiday.. everybody was there balik kampung (except pak teh of course :P).. so sume org dgn gembira nye dpt rasa..

mak ngah dengan gigih potong tembikai..

juicy yellow watermelon.. byk biji.. so lps mkn buang blk biji kat tanah for the next round of watermelon plant.. (P/S pot.. lps ni kedai buah atas bukit tu tutup la kitorg dah pandai tanam tembikai :D)

mak ngah dgn tekun nye kopek durian n masuk kan dlm mangkuk.. nak kumpul biji dia n tanam durian lak eh mak ngah :P

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hari Raya Haji 2007..

Guess it’s still not too late for us to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha.. eheheh raya puasa kan sebulan.. guess the same goes to raya haji J so ma will still write this entry for our own record and memory..

We celebrate aidiladha here in johor since mama n papa both had to work on Friday and Saturday..

This is our raya dishes.. ma prepared at night before raya.. sodap oooo.. ;)

Raya morning was okay.. hasif woke up before 7 am, n 8:30am papa went for sembahyang raya in the nearby mosque.. they had 23 cows, 2 buffalos and 2 kambings for korban eheh.. banyak tul.. but pa did not wait until the end of the korban process of course.. after pray, blk mkn.. ma initially want to dress hasif in his baju melayu.. but since we already planned to go for some shopping (untuk hasif la sape lagi), so we ditched the idea.. afraid hasif will not be too comfortable if he will be parading his raya costume for the whole day ehehe..

Around 11:30 am we went for jalan raya.. first stop: pak long’s house in jb.. reached there around 12 o’clock.. yummyyy.. they had soto n laksa penang.. we also brought some of our ketupat, kuah kacang n chicken rendang for pak long..

hasif with abg haziq n kak nadrah.. abg haziq, kak nadrah n pak long wear the same color for raya.. nice.. abg haziq will be in standard 1 next week.. how time flies.. feels like just yesterday when ma along with atuk, uwan n mak ngah visit them in jb when abg haziq was born.. he was so tiny before (n loves to cry, if I may add ehehehe).. but now he’s a matured boy who’s already good in reading and writing..

our next stop is papa’s friend house in nusajaya.. they just moved to tht house 2 months ago so the house is still in chaotic state.. so no photo ehehe.. the food was good.. nasik minyak, laksa johor n ketupat sotong.. well this ketupat sotong is kind of weird.. 1st time that we tried it.. auntie aida stuffed the glutinous rice inside the whole squid, put the head back inside the squid n secure it with a stick.. then boiled with sugar n coconut milk.. a bit sweet for our liking but it was good nonetheless..

after nusajaya, we went to perling mall.. the place is nice, but a bit small.. n the secret recipe outlet in perling mall had limited types of cakes.. maybe due to the raya mood.. no walnut brownies.. no americano.. no chocolate indulgence.. so we settled for ma’s fav marble cheese cake.. (iskkk x kenyang2 gak eh dah mkn byk tu)..

since hasif now is already 8 months’ old, he now had outgrow most of his clothes esp outfit for night time.. so we head straight to metrojaya in pelangi mall after that.. hasif bought 8 pair of new clothes n 2 new toys (gulppppppp.. telan air liur kejap masa bayar).. best..

hasif absolutely loves his new drum (mama malas nak amek gamba).. he loves banging anything in general.. so now he can bang to his heart’s content..

last stop is nando’s.. also in metrojaya.. ma n pa were overexcited when they realized tht the outlet had open.. yeaaa best.. I can’t even remember when was the last time I eat nando’s since no nando’s in jb before.. best.. hasif behaved like a little angel and slept throughout our meal.. n only wakes up when it’s time they served the ice cream.. so there u go hasif.. ur first taste of ice cream.. though he frown a bit when ma gave his 1st spoon of eskrim.. sojuk eh hasif..

we end the nite with high note.. ma diarrhea (againnn) right after we finished eating nando’s.. too much food maybe.. but most probably because of the ‘too hot peri2 chicken’.. so next time remind me to just get the ‘hot peri2’.. or to be in the safe side, the mild variant eheeh..

P/s: special selamat hari raya haji dedication to pak teh.. who just realized that it’s already raya when a patient from Pakistan told him so in the morning of raya.. so no sembahyang raya for him.. (tul ke tu or sekadar alasan..??? :P:P:P)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

to stay or not to stay.. that is the question..

So it’s confirmed.. I made the phone call in the afternoon to verify and I got all the verification and confirmation that I needed..

I just noticed it yesterday.. for two days (Tuesday and Wednesday), I had not seen hasif’s teacher, teacher siti.. normally she’s the one who will wait for us in the morning and the one who will send him off to the car in the afternoon.. of course la kan since she’s the one who’s caring for hasif.. either her or teacher azizah.. I like teacher azizah equally.. she may looks shy and all but she’s so sweet and I love to see the way she handles and play with hasif.. but for 2 consecutive days, I had not seen either one of them.. we were greeted by other persons instead in the morning.. a malay teacher that I had seen before but not familiar with and an Indian teacher.. the malay teacher (teacher syila) seems to be good.. she speaks fluent English and is not shy to communicate with me in English.. she always so cheerful in the morning.. teacher siti, on the other hand is a bit shy.. she used to told me that she can talk in English with the babies and toddlers but not to their parents.. malu sihh.. that wht she told me before eheheh.. well the Indian teacher might be new.. I had not seen her before, plus she’s not wearing their uniform.. so maybe she’s still waiting for her uniform to arrive..

Then yesterday afternoon when I picked up hasif, I casually asked the Indian teacher, where’s teacher siti.. teacher siti normally will tell me when she’ll be on leave or anything.. my initial guess was she may be undergoing a training in their main hq.. I got the shock of my life when the Indian teacher told me that she heard that teacher ct had relinquished her duty effective end of november.. but she said she’s not too sure and will verify with the supervisor, which is teacher nirmala.. she said for the meantime she will take care of the babies (actually in hasif’s program, he’s the only baby.. the other 2 are toddlers).. now she’s taking care of the babies along with teacher salina, but according to her soon she’ll be the only on full time taking care for the babies, and teacher salina will only assist her part time.. she’s asking me whether this new arrangement is ok for me.. me trying to polite of course la ckp ok.. but it makes me thinking and thinking..

Well now.. this new teacher seems to be good.. she can communicate well and can talk English fluently which is very good in terms of communication exposure for our precious hasif.. I notice that she has her way with baby, the way she talks and play with hasif seems genuine and honest and cheerful.. and I like the way she gave me daily reports on hasif.. n she seems to be well-trained on babies and their developmental milestone and the lot.. but on the other hands……………….. she’s not the same race with us.. her way of upbringing may be different from us.. and hasif will spend most of his waking time during weekdays with her.. but teacher salina will assist her.. but still she will the one who will care for hasif full time during day time..

So just now in the afternoon, I gave teacher nirmala a call to verify if it’s true that teacher siti is no longer with them.. she’s the supervisor in charge of the nursery .. she’s not around so I talked to her assistant instead.. she confirmed that teacher siti had resigned.. along with teacher azizah (my fav teacher..!) and teacher ina (I’m not fond of this one.. I don’t really like her character.. seems to be stern.. so it doesn’t matter to me la whether she’s around or not eheheh..).. alamak smpi 3 org skali resign.. ada ape2 ke ni.. I keeps on thinking.. maybe they had another offer.. far better than nuri.. maybe the new nursery that they work in (assuming that it’s a nursery and not a factory or a restaurant or kebun bunga or whatever) is nearby.. I really should call teacher siti.. I’ll call her after this.. sweet talk her first.. say thanks and all for caring for hasif.. n then I’ll ask her where she’s currently at.. ehehehe if the place is better, maybe we can send hasif over there also..

So in the meantime we should really think through.. but the possibility of looking for another day care center for hasif…………………… alahai leceh sungguh.. we have limited options here.. unlike big towns like jb or kl or shah alam.. pening.. pening.. so any of u would like to give opinions and assist us in making decision..? opinions are welcomed :)