So it’s confirmed.. I made the phone call in the afternoon to verify and I got all the verification and confirmation that I needed..
I just noticed it yesterday.. for two days (Tuesday and Wednesday), I had not seen hasif’s teacher, teacher siti.. normally she’s the one who will wait for us in the morning and the one who will send him off to the car in the afternoon.. of course la kan since she’s the one who’s caring for hasif.. either her or teacher azizah.. I like teacher azizah equally.. she may looks shy and all but she’s so sweet and I love to see the way she handles and play with hasif.. but for 2 consecutive days, I had not seen either one of them.. we were greeted by other persons instead in the morning.. a malay teacher that I had seen before but not familiar with and an Indian teacher.. the malay teacher (teacher syila) seems to be good.. she speaks fluent English and is not shy to communicate with me in English.. she always so cheerful in the morning.. teacher siti, on the other hand is a bit shy.. she used to told me that she can talk in English with the babies and toddlers but not to their parents.. malu sihh.. that wht she told me before eheheh.. well the Indian teacher might be new.. I had not seen her before, plus she’s not wearing their uniform.. so maybe she’s still waiting for her uniform to arrive..
Then yesterday afternoon when I picked up hasif, I casually asked the Indian teacher, where’s teacher siti.. teacher siti normally will tell me when she’ll be on leave or anything.. my initial guess was she may be undergoing a training in their main hq.. I got the shock of my life when the Indian teacher told me that she heard that teacher ct had relinquished her duty effective end of november.. but she said she’s not too sure and will verify with the supervisor, which is teacher nirmala.. she said for the meantime she will take care of the babies (actually in hasif’s program, he’s the only baby.. the other 2 are toddlers).. now she’s taking care of the babies along with teacher salina, but according to her soon she’ll be the only on full time taking care for the babies, and teacher salina will only assist her part time.. she’s asking me whether this new arrangement is ok for me.. me trying to polite of course la ckp ok.. but it makes me thinking and thinking..
Well now.. this new teacher seems to be good.. she can communicate well and can talk English fluently which is very good in terms of communication exposure for our precious hasif.. I notice that she has her way with baby, the way she talks and play with hasif seems genuine and honest and cheerful.. and I like the way she gave me daily reports on hasif.. n she seems to be well-trained on babies and their developmental milestone and the lot.. but on the other hands……………….. she’s not the same race with us.. her way of upbringing may be different from us.. and hasif will spend most of his waking time during weekdays with her.. but teacher salina will assist her.. but still she will the one who will care for hasif full time during day time..
So just now in the afternoon, I gave teacher nirmala a call to verify if it’s true that teacher siti is no longer with them.. she’s the supervisor in charge of the nursery .. she’s not around so I talked to her assistant instead.. she confirmed that teacher siti had resigned.. along with teacher azizah (my fav teacher..!) and teacher ina (I’m not fond of this one.. I don’t really like her character.. seems to be stern.. so it doesn’t matter to me la whether she’s around or not eheheh..).. alamak smpi 3 org skali resign.. ada ape2 ke ni.. I keeps on thinking.. maybe they had another offer.. far better than nuri.. maybe the new nursery that they work in (assuming that it’s a nursery and not a factory or a restaurant or kebun bunga or whatever) is nearby.. I really should call teacher siti.. I’ll call her after this.. sweet talk her first.. say thanks and all for caring for hasif.. n then I’ll ask her where she’s currently at.. ehehehe if the place is better, maybe we can send hasif over there also..
So in the meantime we should really think through.. but the possibility of looking for another day care center for hasif…………………… alahai leceh sungguh.. we have limited options here.. unlike big towns like jb or kl or shah alam.. pening.. pening.. so any of u would like to give opinions and assist us in making decision..? opinions are welcomed :)