Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Melon Story..

Once upon a time, there is a family who eat watermelon outside their house.. sambil mkn goyang kaki n baling2 the seeds to the ground.. not long after that, uwan notice that there was this weird plant on their ground.. yes, it is the watermelon..

this is the pokok tembikai..

we were so excited to see the watermelon.. since this is the first attempt to grow the melon in our own compound.. lucky that one of the melon ripened during the holiday.. everybody was there balik kampung (except pak teh of course :P).. so sume org dgn gembira nye dpt rasa..

mak ngah dengan gigih potong tembikai..

juicy yellow watermelon.. byk biji.. so lps mkn buang blk biji kat tanah for the next round of watermelon plant.. (P/S pot.. lps ni kedai buah atas bukit tu tutup la kitorg dah pandai tanam tembikai :D)

mak ngah dgn tekun nye kopek durian n masuk kan dlm mangkuk.. nak kumpul biji dia n tanam durian lak eh mak ngah :P


Ina said...

Aduh aduh Mama Hasif ni dia citer pasal buah la pulak. Kalau berjiran dh lama kena gi serang ni pastu alang2 culik Hasif skali hihihi (tak malu betul) ;D

spectacularwave said...

geram lah tengok that melon.. juicy and mengancam kaler dia... tapi i jarang makan yellow lah.. merah je dengan honey dew...

Zetty said...

huyoooo, campak2 biji pun dpt buahnya sungguh laaa cantik sgt isinya .. mmg menarik hati ... lamanya dah tak makan tembikai jenis nieh ... huhuhu ...

Mama Hasif said...

ehehe ina.. over excited ni psl kitorg mmg x penah tgk pokok tembikai.. siap surf internet tu nak tau buah tu dah msk ke blom ehehe..

Mama Hasif said...

sebena nye spec time mkn tu, mkn both types yg merah ngan kuning.. tp pokok yg survive yg kuning ni je la ehehe.. i pun suka honey dew.. buat jus minum ms panas.. pehhhhh sodap nye :D

Mama Hasif said...

huhuhu yatie, jgn terpedaya.. rupa mmg mengancam tp tawar skit la psl skang kan musim ujan kt mesia.. juicy tp tawar la skit..