Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hair Cut

i had my hair cut last tuesday, 25th dec.. ehehe this is the 2nd hair cut that i ever had.. the first time was in penang, 2 days before raya puasa.. pak anjang (papa's elder brother was the one responsible to chop my hair at that time..

this time around ma decided that we should seek for 'professional' assistant for a hair cut in order to reduce the mess..
before hair cut...

after hair cut..

i think i look more matured.. tul x..? eheheh..

yg ni plak gamba saya tgh mengamuk nak tido.. not my fault ok.. i hv runny nose.. so i don't feel comfortable..


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

dah tinggi dah hasif nih..mcm bdk umur sethn dah..alaa diaaaa...cute!!cam mama dia jgk...bila nak mai jmpa umi D nih...

Anonymous said...

ehehe sekejapan ke kan ki budak2 ni membesar.. tup2 hasif dah nak 9 bulan lak dah.. dayana pun dah dkt 10 bulan kan..