Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Perfect Weekend..

we woke up early today.. i mean hasif woke us up early.. 5:31am to be exact.. enough sleep maybe since he slept like a log since 6pm yesterday.. we tried to ignore him for more beautiful sleep but he keeps on kicking papa's head n playing with ma's tummy.. ehehe he has this habit to 'blow' our tummy n then grrrrrrr bite.. around 6:30am ma decided to bring hasif out for some morning walk.. (pa continued sleeping :P)

beautiful day.. the weather is nice.. hasif loves to see the birds flying.. we have this habit of greeting the birds daily..

went out around 12 o'clock for a hearty brunch of buffalo wings, chicken fajitas nachos and beef steak.. hasif already had his bfst at home.. but still when the foods arrived, he made the usual sound that he had when he's hungry.. hemppppppppphhhhhhhhhhh.. eheheh.. bila hasif lapar susu pun dia suka buat bunyik camtu.. there u go hasif.. ur first bite of mac n cheese, mashed potato and friday's sundae..

hasif tgh mkn dgn khusyuk nye smbil angkt kaki naik ats cam org kaya..

kenyang perut suka hati..
with the candy that the restaurant's assistant gave him..

we went home early to the freshly mown weeds in the house compound (thanks to papa hasif.. muahhh papa)

a good books..

treats to go with the books (hasif.. ni mama punye tau.. hasif x leh mkn cekelat nanti sembelit ;) )

life is bliss..


Anonymous said...

this time t'ingin nk leave comments cos noticed ada coincident with my little one.

akif pn br je dpt new hair cut last friday. the 4th haircut in his life including masa potong jambul ari tu. rambut ala2 mawi gitu. xberani nk trim pakai gunting cos dia dh start lasak so soh je mamak tu shave. bragas semcm je rupa dia :D. seems like camtu jelah fashion dia till dia pandai behave sket.

then akif pn pagi2, kalau xujan surely tok uda dia bawak dia tgk bird kt luar umah since i'm bz prepare to go to office & akif's stuff. kalau weekend n umi rajin br blh gi park jogging.

akif pn kalau duduk dlm stroller suka sgt angkat kaki kat atas cam bos2. kadang2 segan sgt bila org tegur. tp dia budak lagi. maybe he's comfortable sitting like that. dh besar sket n have sense n understanding br umi start ajar how to behave properly ;)

Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

Takpalah agkt2 kaki tu kan tandanya sng hati..(kalau baca lam buku lah) tp since hasif and akif hero, bleh la buat cam tuh...kalau dayana kena la kot tepis ngan umi dia hehe..(tepis manja je..tak sakit :D)

Anonymous said...

ehehe tan ltk la gamba br dlm fotopages tu.. leh tgk gamba latest akif.. tp kan bebudak kecik ni mmg suka naik kaki ats kan.. senang ati je rupa nye tu eheheh.. hasif pun kalau naik keta, bila ltk kat car seat tu, kaki dia kadang2 naik smpi ke tpt ltk tgn kt pintu tu ehehe.. tp rs cam cute lak diorg buat camtu, tmbh kalau budak pompuan yg buat.. bebudak kan.. x pe la.. dah besa besok pandai la diorg pk :D

Anonymous said...

ehehe kan ki.. rasa comei je bila diorg buat kelakuan camtu.. mmg sng ati sgt nmpk.. ehehe.. tp kan rs nye kalau baby girl yg pki skirt tu buat lg nmpk cute.. ati ada nmpk skali dulu kt mall.. geram je tgk baby girl tu pki skit nye comei dok camtu.. rs cam naughty n cute sgt2 :D