Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hari Raya Haji 2007..

Guess it’s still not too late for us to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha.. eheheh raya puasa kan sebulan.. guess the same goes to raya haji J so ma will still write this entry for our own record and memory..

We celebrate aidiladha here in johor since mama n papa both had to work on Friday and Saturday..

This is our raya dishes.. ma prepared at night before raya.. sodap oooo.. ;)

Raya morning was okay.. hasif woke up before 7 am, n 8:30am papa went for sembahyang raya in the nearby mosque.. they had 23 cows, 2 buffalos and 2 kambings for korban eheh.. banyak tul.. but pa did not wait until the end of the korban process of course.. after pray, blk mkn.. ma initially want to dress hasif in his baju melayu.. but since we already planned to go for some shopping (untuk hasif la sape lagi), so we ditched the idea.. afraid hasif will not be too comfortable if he will be parading his raya costume for the whole day ehehe..

Around 11:30 am we went for jalan raya.. first stop: pak long’s house in jb.. reached there around 12 o’clock.. yummyyy.. they had soto n laksa penang.. we also brought some of our ketupat, kuah kacang n chicken rendang for pak long..

hasif with abg haziq n kak nadrah.. abg haziq, kak nadrah n pak long wear the same color for raya.. nice.. abg haziq will be in standard 1 next week.. how time flies.. feels like just yesterday when ma along with atuk, uwan n mak ngah visit them in jb when abg haziq was born.. he was so tiny before (n loves to cry, if I may add ehehehe).. but now he’s a matured boy who’s already good in reading and writing..

our next stop is papa’s friend house in nusajaya.. they just moved to tht house 2 months ago so the house is still in chaotic state.. so no photo ehehe.. the food was good.. nasik minyak, laksa johor n ketupat sotong.. well this ketupat sotong is kind of weird.. 1st time that we tried it.. auntie aida stuffed the glutinous rice inside the whole squid, put the head back inside the squid n secure it with a stick.. then boiled with sugar n coconut milk.. a bit sweet for our liking but it was good nonetheless..

after nusajaya, we went to perling mall.. the place is nice, but a bit small.. n the secret recipe outlet in perling mall had limited types of cakes.. maybe due to the raya mood.. no walnut brownies.. no americano.. no chocolate indulgence.. so we settled for ma’s fav marble cheese cake.. (iskkk x kenyang2 gak eh dah mkn byk tu)..

since hasif now is already 8 months’ old, he now had outgrow most of his clothes esp outfit for night time.. so we head straight to metrojaya in pelangi mall after that.. hasif bought 8 pair of new clothes n 2 new toys (gulppppppp.. telan air liur kejap masa bayar).. best..

hasif absolutely loves his new drum (mama malas nak amek gamba).. he loves banging anything in general.. so now he can bang to his heart’s content..

last stop is nando’s.. also in metrojaya.. ma n pa were overexcited when they realized tht the outlet had open.. yeaaa best.. I can’t even remember when was the last time I eat nando’s since no nando’s in jb before.. best.. hasif behaved like a little angel and slept throughout our meal.. n only wakes up when it’s time they served the ice cream.. so there u go hasif.. ur first taste of ice cream.. though he frown a bit when ma gave his 1st spoon of eskrim.. sojuk eh hasif..

we end the nite with high note.. ma diarrhea (againnn) right after we finished eating nando’s.. too much food maybe.. but most probably because of the ‘too hot peri2 chicken’.. so next time remind me to just get the ‘hot peri2’.. or to be in the safe side, the mild variant eheeh..

P/s: special selamat hari raya haji dedication to pak teh.. who just realized that it’s already raya when a patient from Pakistan told him so in the morning of raya.. so no sembahyang raya for him.. (tul ke tu or sekadar alasan..??? :P:P:P)


Ina said...

Akhirnya dapat jugak baca update baru. Guess Mama Hasif was busy la tu kan hihi. Amboi2 banyak nyer makan. Jeles nih. Especially bila tgk or baca psl foods yg mmg dah lama xsentuh tu. Isk sabar jelah! (to myself) ;D

spectacularwave said...

wah yati dah slim banyak dah ni dalam photo baru ni.. care to share tips?

Mama Hasif said...

ina.. eheheh ye la bz skit la.. sebena nye malas eheh.. kalau ada masa lapang tu leka kat blog hopping je lak.. x pe ina jgn jeles2 sgt.. byk mkn nanti makin byk lemak oo eheh.. nanti kang jadik cam i lak naik smpi 30kg ms pregnant :P

Mama Hasif said...

alahai spec.. slim byk mana sgt la.. turun la skit.. but still ada 5 kg to reduce lg ni ehehe.. anyway ms amek gamba tu la kan ada lg 5kg to reduce, lps blk kg during the christmas holiday trus increase another 2 kg.. adusss..

x de buat ape pun spec.. i told u last time that i want to start brisk walking kan.. x buat pun psl malas ehehe.. brisk walking kat shopping complex ada la.. smbil weight lifting (angkat hasif).. ehehe.. tp jaga mkn skit la.. x la ikut nafsu sgt.. tu psl yg slow sgt nak turun berat ehehe..

spectacularwave said...

yang penting turun weight.. i ni macam tuuu je.. sakit ati tol hehehe. anyways hasif macam ada good music sense kan.. suka bang drum.. ish best tu..dah la ensem... besor esok mesti jadi dominant player nih..

Mama Hasif said...

turun jap spec.. pastu naik blk skit.. pastu turun blk.. pastu bila blk kg naik blk.. camtu je la.. ehehehehe..