hasif was 5 months old on tuesday last week, 11 Sept.. we weighed him 2 days before he reached his 5 months' birthday (during the immunization shot), and he's 7 kg at that time.. let's see his milestone progress at 5 months..
this is our big boy at 5 months old..
this little guy now can now roll over effortlessly from his front to back, and from back to his front.. and he seems to be enjoying his skills so much that more often than not, it is the first thing that he'll do once he open his eyes.. in fact lately when he wakes up middle of the night for his milk, he will roll over first and make some noise to announce that he's already hungry.. then bila dah kenyang he will turn his head to the other side and starts to roll over again with his eyes closed.. sound asleep eheheh..
hasif is also moving so fast nowadays that i'm afraid to leave him out of my sight.. especially in the morning when we are getting ready for office.. he normally sleeps at 7 pm and wakes up at 6-6:30 am the following morning.. at that time we are busy preparing ourselves.. thus he entertain himself by playing and rolling over.. he will keeps on rolling until he’s near to the edge of the bed.. we normally barricade all the edges of the beds with pillow.. eehehe.. but this morning I noticed that he happily rest his back on one of the pillow while kicking his legs high up the air.. n the pillow shifts position..! it’s so scary.. wonder if they sell the ‘gate’ for our king size bed.. so that our bed will looks like a giant baby bed.. ehehhe like the one for baby’s cot.. we can let him sleep in his bed (which is a present from Mak Ngah actually.. thanks mak ngah.. muahhhh) but I’m afraid that his movement will be limited there.. at nite hasif normally sleeps vertically in between us.. but by midnite, he’s already aligned perpendicular to our original sleeping position and when he wakes up he loves to kick either one of us.. much to papa’s dismay, especially if it’s 6 am on Sunday morning ehehehe..
waktu siang hasif selalu nye tdo dlm buaian.. n he normally sing 'lullaby' for himself until he fall asleep.. n suddenly senyap je.. dia dah lena rupa nye..
hasif now also like to raise his cute little butt up.. n push his chest n face forward.. this is the first time that I had seen baby trying to crawl.. n I have to say that it’s impressive and very very cute.. :)
his strength and coordination is also improving.. he can now grab small items, and picks up his toys if it’s fell down.. and he’s now also in the process of mastering the art of clearing the dining table, especially if u sit him on ur lap while having ur meal.. like last time when we have lunch in sushi king, I hold him since the floor of the dining table is slightly elevated compared to the aisle where we put his stroller.. so he seems to be very far down in his stroller when we eat.. thus we agreed to take turn to hold him while eating.. the moment I sit him on my lap, he starts sweeping both the menus, and the cutlery set on the floor with one giant sweep, with his little hand.. ehehehe.. abis sume jatuh lantai.. n when mama tried to eat her meal, he also made chewing motion and extend his hand to my serving.. as if to help himself with the meal.. eheheh.. sometime we wonder if he’s now ready for solid food.. but after consultation with the doctor, we decided to hold until he’s a good 6 months old baby.. at least his digestive system is matured at that time.. ehehe can’t wait for him to start weaning.. but for the meantime, I guess breastmilk is enough for u eh hasif..
hasif can now sits rather steadily, attended.. with no assistance, he can only hold himself straight for a good 30 seconds or so before toppling down to his side.. guess in a couple weeks time he’s already strong enough to sit on his own.. can’t wait to buy a high chair for him.. sit him there and feed him his solid food.. ehehe.. sounds like a big boy.. but once he starts weaning, he will be less dependent on me and reduce the number that I will nurse him :( guess that’s how life’s goes on..