Monday, July 30, 2007


Yesterday, 3 of papa's frens came to visit us.. along with their wife and kids of course.. i made 6 new friends yesterday.. we had some makan2 for them.. we have sate.. kueteow.. ketupat.. ma also fried some samosa, nugget and keropok lekor.. i received lots of presents.. sungguh seronok.. i have lots of new toys.. new playgym.. pa's fren also gave me mamy poko's diapers.. ehehehe best.. thanks everbody.. ohhh we also reveived a set of framed paintings.. cantik sangat.. papa said he will hang those in the wall..

my papa yg rajin tengah bakar sate.. the sate seller doesn't want to sell us the sate in the afternoon.. they open their stall at 6pm.. thus we had to buy the raw sate n bakar sendiri..

gifts that i received.. but i think ma is more excited than me.. ehehehe..

some of the rattles and building blocks that i received..

my new playgym..

n my new pack of diapers.. ehehehe..

me posing with my new diaper :D

Balik Kampung.. :D

mm it's been a while since i wrote anything here.. ma n pa had been slightly bz lately.. so being a good son as i always am, i just go with the flow..

ok without further ado.. let me share my trip blk kg last weekend.. ops it's not last weekend actually.. it's the weekend before that.. we reached ma's hometown around 5:45 pm.. saturday, 21st july.. we were warmly greeted by atuk n uwan.. how much i miss them.. uwan had taken care of me right before i was born until i'm 63 day's old.. ohhhhhhhhh i finally had the ooportunity to meet my pak teh.. n yes, he is soooooo tall.. n he likes making cooing n wooing sounds whenever he sees me.. but pak su was not around.. he had a quiz on sunday.. thus cannot make it to join us..

best balik kampung.. we had a sate bbq that nite.. that is saturday nite.. i had seen that ma n pa had eaten to their heart's content.. luckily i can't eat anything solid yet.. or else i will also gain some more weight that nite (just like ma :D)..

though our stay was very short.. i have to say that i have a great time.. everybody seems so eager to hold me n hug me n love me..

pak teh was showing off his pukul belon's skills to abg haziq n abg adha.. eheheh wait until i grow up.. i'll show them all the skills tht i wil acquire from papa.. :)

abg adha n nadrah flashing their best grin..

pak long n co.. ehehe ma already warned me not to grow beard like pak long.. ehehe.. (note from mama hasif: long.. hv u remove those not-so-nice beards..? u look dowdy la brader.. ehehe)

side view of papa n pak long.. both were admiring pak teh's skill hitting the ballon.. maybe he acquire all these skills from his frequest trips to the hospital eh..?

at first i'm sleeping peacefully..

then mama kacau daun with her camera.. i'm already awake..

all in all, i can say that i had a fabulous times balik kampung.. n i also have the opportunity to meet pak teh's fren from greece, who came to visit us on monday.. but i forgot to take photo with him.. x pe la.. maybe next time..

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Let's Roll Over..!

eheheh i am a big boy now.. this little bubble blower can now roll over..

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Happy Birthday to ME :)

yesterday is my 90 days birthday.. wowww.. i'm a grown up now.. :) ehehehe not fully grown up but i'm growing up.. but that means i'll be having my 3-months' injection..!! papa said he'll bring me to the doc tomorrow.. i'm sooooooo scared right now.. hope ma will feed me when the doc poke my skin.. takut maaa... :( but i'm a hero.. hero must be brave right.. :D

this photo was taken yesterday, when i'm exactly 90 day's young.. wonder what is my weight now.. ;) ohhh.. ma's colleague, auntie pai gave me the baby elephant that i'm holding on my right.. cute isn't it.. thanks auntie pai..

Pak Teh..

This is my Pak Teh.. he's actually ma's younger brother.. i haven't meet him yet.. but according to mama, he'll be back next week for summer holiday.. can't wait to see him.. ma chat with him just now and seems like he's still busy studying for his forthcoming exam.. this time next week, i'll be back to my ma's kampung, of course along with mama n papa.. everybody will be there.. till then.. catch everybody later.. :D

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Baby

Ten little fingers, ten little toes -
Rosy little lips, and a button nose.
So soft and cuddly with a baby sweet smell.
Eyes so full of trust that I just can't fail.

I know a gift of God you had to be -
How else could something so perfect come to me?
You wiggle and snuggle, gurgle and coo -
Do you know of all the love in my heart for you?

Your eyes are getting heavy,
as off to Dreamland you go -
To dream of teddy bears, kittens,
and your Mother's love, I know.

I hold you close, and look at you with awe-
as a little silent prayer I say --
"Thank you God, and please help me mold
this little life the right way."

I put you in your crib so gently, and
turn to blink away the tears.
You're my baby now,
but I know it's just for a few short years.

(c) 1997 Martha Benton

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Hey Good Cooking..

Sunday, 08th July 2007.

today, me and papa hasif had planned to spend our sunday at home since we had been out the whole day for the past weekends.. so many things to do before.. bought things for the house etc.. maybe now it's time to simply rest and relax at home..
we had also planned to cook a special meal today.. home made pizza.. yummy.. thanks dandelion for sharing the receipe and the tips.. very useful info since mama hasif doesn't even know how to knead the dough.. ehehe.. :P

we started at 12:30pm.. i'm feeling very confident since i had memorize the receipe well and even watched the videos on the net on how to knead the dough.. punye la semangat.. eheheh we were both sooooo excited.. first time ever ni.. so 12:30pm i started mixing and kneading the dough, while papa hasif prepared the ingredients for the pizza sauce.. chopping onion n garlic.. prepare chicken cubes n slice the mushroom.. luckily baby hasif was sleeping soundly.. adoiii i never knew that it's so hard to knead with your own bare hands.. punye la lenguh rasa.. from time to time i keeps on calling papa hasif asking whether the dough is ready yet or not.. haii macam mana nak meniaga pizza ni..

however the end product was very tasty.. seriously.. the dough was soft.. the topping was full with chicken (my favourite) and mushrooms (papa hasif's favourite).. i think we can simply beat pizza hut or our latest addiction, dominos pizza.. ;) :D

the process..

the dough..






close up pizza yg sodap..
edited on 18 Aug. 2007
the pizza recipe.. thanks heaps to dandelion for sharing the wonderful and easy to prepare recipe.
Pizza Crust
25 ounces / 7.1 grams active dry yeast
1 cup warm water ~ 45 degress C
2 cups bread flour
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons white sugar

1. In a small bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes.
2. In a large bowl, combine 2 cups bread flour, olive oil, salt, white sugar and the yeast mixture. Stir well to combine.
3. Beat well until a stiff dough has formed.
4. Cover and rise until doubled in volume, about 30 minutes.
5. Preheat oven to 175 degress C.
6. Turn dough out onto a well floured surface. Form dough into a round and roll out into a pizza crust shape.
7. Cover with favorite sauce and toppings and bake in preheated oven until golden brown, about 20 minutes.

Pizza Sauce
4 cloves garlics ~ diced
1 big onion ~ diced
1 small can tomato puree
4 tablespoons chillie sauce
olive oil
dried basil/ oregano leaves/ italian herbs

1. Heat oil and saute all the diced ingredients.
2. Add tomato puree and chillie sauce.
3. Finally add dried basil/ oregano leaves/ italian herbs, salt and pepper to taste.
For the topping, i use chicken fillet, mushroom and mozarella sauce.

Tribute to Umi D

this lady is ma's best fren since she's in uni.. umi d n ger husband works in shah alam.. funny thing is that they were both pregnant for their 1st child at almost the same time.. Umi D gave birth to Nur Faiqah Dayana bt Azli Khairi on 18 March 2007, while i was born on 15 April 2007, ehehe less than a month apart.. mom said they always share their experience and tips during their pregnancy.. n what makes it even more interesting is that Umi D's daughter is a girl.. while i'm a boy.. eheheheh.. jgn2 dayana nak ngorat hasif nanti tak..? eheheh.. jgn marah umi d.. just joking.. :D

anyway... introducing to u ladies and gentlemen, live from my blog..

Baby D's first day..

Baby D after confinement period..

Bye bye everybody...

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Tribute to Uwan n Atuk

this special section is to show our appreciation to my atok n uwan (mama's parents)..

this is my uwan n my atuk (together with abg adha yg suka amek gamba)..

mama said that they are waiting 10 days in jb before i was born.. big sacrifice since they have to leave their pokok cili n ayam behind during their stay in jb.. :) luckily everything is still in good shape after the return home.. uwan took great care of my parents during their stay in jb, right before i was born.. mama said uwan prepared good breakfast everyday for them.. n when they retuned home after office, the dinner was also ready.. when they came to jb, uwan brought together air yassin.. apparently before they came to jb, they had a small kenduri in the surau near my grandparents house.. wishing and hoping that everything will turned outwell.. uwan also brought akar fatimah and telur ayam kampung.. which is said can assist the delivery process..

after mama's maternity leave ends, uwan and atok also accompany us to return back to jb and stayed with us for 8 days.. ohhh of course my pak su yang rajin also joining us.. they helped me to settle down in my new environment.. helping mama n papa to arrange the house.. n they even took care of me for 2 days when ma finally had to return to the office.. ohhh uwan also brought various type of pokok utk ditanam in our house.. such as lemon grass, pandan leaves, cili api, bendi etc.. uwan also tolong tanamkan pokok mangga, rambutan, limau kasturi, roses and also what-is-the-name-of-the-small-flower-that-blooms-in-the-morning.. i felt sad when they have to leave us.. since uwan took great care of me and my mom during mama's confinement period.. how i wish my atok n uwan can stay with us longer..


Thursday, July 5, 2007


me in my earlier days..

this photo was taken 19 hours after i was born.. crying with my eyes closed in uwan's lap.. notice my red, chubby cheek..?

2 day's young..

3 day's young.. super bright red cheek..

4 days young.. red clothes to compliment my red cheek..

this was taken 7 days after i was born.. papa said that i normally smile when i fall asleep.. sweet dreams maybe.. maybe dreaming of milks.. ;)

8 day's young.. sleeping in my play pen.. present from mak ngah n pak ngah n abg adha..

this is me posing with my gorgous aunt, mak ngah n her son abg adha n the new baby (still in mak ngah's tummy).. mama told me that the baby will due this coming september.. can't wait to see u little baby..
this hensem guy is my pak su.. ada yg ckp rupa dia mcm japanese.. n ramai yg kompius dia as chinese.. in this picture, pak su doesn't look so good since maybe he forgot to comb his hair.. :P ohhh i forgot to mention that ma said that pak su's fav place is tanjung malim.. now i'm wondering the reason behind.. ;)

this is my pose in my craddle after my second injection.. exactly 60 day's young.. uwaaaa sakit.. luckily i was being fed at the time the doctor gave injection.. otherwise i'll scream on top of my lung..

close up wajah sedih saya..

finally this jejaka kacak is my pak teh.. i haven't seen him yet since he study abroad.. he'll be back this coming august and ohhh by the way he's still eligible.. ;)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Mengereng and Attempt to Meniarap

meh main kat my new play gym meh..


sunday.. 1st july 2007.. our first anniversary.. time seems to be flying so fast.. feel like yesterday that i first met my husband.. we tied the knot on 1st july 2006.. 1 july akad nikah in my place in negeri 9.. 2 july the wedding reception.. anyway we started the day with me preparing a special breakfast.. jemput2 ikan bilis.. sedap ape tu.. cicah dgn kuah kari that i got from my babysitter about 5 days before that.. but it's still edible of course since papa hasif put it in the freezer.. frozen dah.. dah boleh jadik aiskrim kari dah.. :)

i bought a frame and anniversary card from memory lane for our anniversary present.. 1st anniversary kan.. traditional gift should be paper.. modern gift is clock..but since my husband doesn't like to use watch.. i have to select the first option.. paper.. i cracked my head several times before.. thinking of the right and meaningful gift.. in the end of the day i decided that i will put our photos in a frame and engrave First Anniversary.. actually this is my sister's idea (thanks a bunch mak ngah cute..!).. of course once u have small baby ur time will be limited.. balik keja dah rushing nak amek anak from babysitter.. so got no time to go out shopping.. i have to cabut a whie from office to go out buy this frame.. papa hasif bought for me a lovely flower.. yeayyyyyyyyy lama dah x dpt bunga.. personnally i prefer chocolates over flower.. but to receive flowers once in a while can really made ur day.. berpesta bunga api sekejap la dlm hati dpt bunga (quote kata ahadiat akashah).. eheheh.. n he gave me osim u zap also as our annniversary present.. actually i already received this present a couple of days before that.. tercapai jugak la cita2 nak pakai mendalah ni.. in order to regain back my dangerous and spectacular curves (quote kata spec).. well for ur viewing pleasure.. this is the gift that i had for him..

and this is hubby's anniversary present for me..

then we spend the whole afternoon shopping.. at night, i cooked bihun grg for dinner.. initially we planned to go out for dinner.. but since we were already tired.. and baby hasif was sound asleep, so we had to cancel.. all in all it was a good and pleasant day.. for others it may be nothing.. but for us.. this is the best that we can have for our anniversary..

for my dear husband.. i dedicate the following poem for u.. and i mean every single words in the poem..

To my Dear and Loving Husband
by Anne Bradstreet

If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee;
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye woman, if you can.

I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor aught but love from thee, give recompense.

Thy love is such I can no way repay,
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let's so persevere
That when we live no more, we may live ever.