Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hasif Dah Ada Gigi Part II.......

setelah berusaha dgn gigih, finally mama n papa managed to capture this semi-perfect photos of ur brand new teeth, hasif.. :D

dah la tu wehhhhhhhh.. it's just a teeth la ma..

Friday, November 23, 2007

Hasif Dah Ada Gigi.......

hasif normally sleeps around 6:30-7:30 pm everyday until the following morning.. sometimes ma is lucky enough to be able to give him his dinner before he fall asleep.. but more often than not, hasif will be fallen asleep right after ma nursed him, after we reached home.. the routine rarely varies.. reach home around 6-6:30 pm depending on the traffic.. bring hasif for a walk outside for a while.. then nurse him..

tonite hasif fall asleep as soon as ma nursed him, at 6:30 pm.. however around 7:45pm he wakes up cranky.. ma nursed him again but he refused to sleep.. so he played afterwards.. after we had dinner (ma n pa that is), ma decided to massage his gum.. to release some of the pains of teething.. we had notice the outline of the teeth on his gum a few days ago.. so i cleaned my finger n tried to massage his gum.. i'm sooo surprised to find that something hard n sharp are bulging out from the upper gum.. which only means one thing............

Hasif dah tumbuh gigi.. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..............

we are sooooooooo excited.. we tried to make him laugh with his mouth wide open.. and true enough.. gigi atas dah kuar satu.. warna putih (cam gigi mama :D)

we tried to capture the photo... but seems to be veryyyyy difficult..

this is the best that we can get.. the white thing inside the mouth, on the right.. papa tricked hasif in order to capture this one.. pretend as if he will let hasif bite on the tali camera.. so when hasif opens his mouth.. tadaaaaaaa.. papa bijak kan hasif :D

we are soooooooo happy n proud of u hasif.. waaa big boy dah ni.. dah ada gigi.. glad that he has no fever whatsoever that sometimes happen during the teething process.. but he did has an interrupted sleeps at night.. n he loves to put his fingers inside his mouth.. n he sometimes made that funny sound with his mouth.. guess that was when his gum feels itchy.. i once read that it's the first tooth that caused the most discomfort.. so hopefully hasif dah ok la eh..

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Papa..!!!!!

today is papa's birthday.. this will be the first time ever that papa will be celebrating as a dad.. eheheh.. just want to say I LOVE U SO MUCH PAPA.. thanks for being the greatest dad in my whole wide world.. thanks for waiting for my safe arrival in the labour room.. thanks for sacrificing ur clean shirt n shorts for my poo n pee (this was when i can't control myself, which is during the first 2 months of my life).. thanks for taking care of us.. and above all else.. thanks for all the love that u give..

P/S: Papa.. we have a surprise for u tomorrow.. ma said since u are working today, let's have ur real birthday tomorrow k papa.. btw mama also will be going off to office for a while after this :( guess i have to go to school again.. but ma already promised that it will be only for an hour.. or max is 2 hours..

- Baby Hasif


There are things I'd like to say
to you my love on your special day:

I am forever thankful God sent you my way.
Like a gift from up above,you showed me how it is to feel real love.

I know many mountains we've had to climb
and sometimes forever has seemed like a very long time.

Yes, we've endured our share of pain,
but together we have so much to gain.

Bigger mountains may lie ahead,
but together there is no hill we can not tread.

So always remember my love for you,
and there is nothing together we can not do.

I'll be here forever - my love is true.
The person beside me, that would be you.

-Mama Hasif

Monday, November 12, 2007

We're the champion....

Hi All, enjoy a short video clip of me playing with my toys......

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Look at what Papa and Mama got me ....

Yesterday was another good day...... I woke up so was Papa and Mama. We all went strolling dekat Tasik nearby our house..... ramai org joging kat situ ..including few monyets....:).. Mama actually scared of them....afraid that the monkey will attack me... nonetheless...Tasik was fun..... mama said it's good to 'menghirup udara segar' once a while. After that, we all went to this 'Kuali Mas' restaurant to have breakfast....hmmm actually for Mama and Papa sit there la .. cuz Mama said I cant eat all those big boy food yet....then we came back to our home sweet home cuz I felt sleepy already....

In the afternoon, after having my lunch... Papa asked if we want to go to Jusco Tebrau to get me a walker... as Papa wanted to buy one for me since Hari Raya time, but reluctant to do so.....Off we go to Tebrau at around 1 o'clock......... Jusco Tebrau was so crowded...full of people.. Papa has to que very long just to pay for 2 pack of Yakult......We didn't find Walker that we really wanted at Jusco, so we went to Toy'R us instead.....

We get home around 5PM, and Papa took out the walker... and this is what happen....I'm so excited......seee me in action..:)

Papa has calculated my 'mengesot' speed. Papa said I can move 75cm in 15sec, that is equivalatent to 0.05m/s = 0.003km/hr.... hmmm not bad heh....

This is me in my new walker...Thanks Papa and Mama...I luv you both dearly...

Oooooooo.... what is this button for?....

Mama... I need a diaper change....:)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Colourful Hasif

Ma send hasif’s photo to this Singapore website.. main reason is actually to get the "Babies Are Smarter Than You Think" guidebook.. eheheh.. luckily hasif's photo was selected as one of the photos for October showcase.. now we can wait for the guidebook to arrive..

meanwhile the above photos were all taken during Hasif's 7 months old birthday.. we simply love those cheerful n vibrant colour..

Makan2 Raya at Our House..

we held a raya gathering for friends n families last sunday, 4th Nov. 2007.. Atok n Uwan, Mak Ngah, Pak Ngah n their kids, Abg Adha n Baby Uzma came all the way from our kampung to join the gathering..

waaaaa so meriah.. it was a blast.. i really had a wonderful times seeing friends of ma n pa.. abg haziq, kak nadrah n their family were also there.. but sad to say, we did not have much photo since we were very busy entertaining.. initially ma planned to take photos before the guest arrives, which was scheduled to be 3pm.. however, we had our first guest before 2 pm.. eheheh kalut la uwan nak prepare all the foods.. papa rents a khemah with tables n chairs so that all the guests did not have to wait to get their seat..

initally ma was afraid that our guests cannot make it since it was still open house season.. what to do with all those foods if nobody comes..? Alhamdullilah ramai sgt org dtg.. since before 2 pm org dtg x putus2.. the last guest leaves at 9:40pm.. since we ran out of most of the main dishes, atok decided that we should tutup kedai at 10 pm.. eheheh sori la kalau ada yg lalu tp tgk org dah kemas2..

hasif tgh tunggu org datang..

hasif with uwan before org dtg.. ni la baju melayu hasif :) ma was getting ready at this time.. eheheh mama br nak mandi tu.. on the right side is abg haziq n umi (pak long's MIL).. during the gathering, lots of people mentioned that uwan looks much younger than her age..

on the left, mak ngah, uwan with the handsome guy, umi n mak long.. far right is the sate guy, exclusively imported from plentong.. waaa sate dia sedap oo..

this is some of our menu of the day.. papa x sempat nak ambik gamba satu2 lak.. our menu consists of chicken n beef sate, ketupat, lontong, rendang daging, laksa penang, uwan's special karipap (this is one of the best seller of the day), cendol n tembikai.. yummy..

hasif playing with mak long..

hasif with mama n papa.. waaaaaaaaa mama looks so chubby in this photo.. i will remind ma to lose weight..

this guy was so exhausted after we called it a day.. needs to stretch up before went off to dreamland.. anyway thanks everyone for coming.. love u guys.. muahhhhhhh..

7 Months' Old!!

waaaaaaaaaaa.. this guy turns 7 month's old = 210 days today.. time surely flies.. at 7 months, hasif:

- dah pandai mengensot dgn laju nya.. especially when he's motivated with his fav toys, newspaper, his bag mekap (the bag tht we use to put all his after bath oil, vicks, etc..), etc..

- loves to detach his pamper's tape.. when changing his diaper, while we are struggling with his pant, he normally manages to do those.. ishh ishh ishhhhh x sempat pakai seluar, pampers dah tertanggal blk..

- has his meals 2 - 3 times daily.. his diet consists of either brown rice porridge with spinach / carrot / potato, or nestle rice cereal or gerber's baby food (the one in the bottle).. a friend advised ma to boil fruits, like apple or pear and blend those for hasif.. we have yet to try this.. hope u will like it hasif..

- has no problem with unfamiliar faces.. last time during raya, masa jalan raya, mama n papa just pass him to the tuan rumah or our other relatives so that we can have our meal in peace.. as long as u look at him directly in the eyes n buat muka badut, he will surely be entertained..

- turn when we call his name..

- bakul hasif cannot accommodate him anymore.. before this, we put hasif in his bakul when ma send him over to the babysitter.. but his growing size does not permit this anymore.. besides hasif suka sgt nak meniarap dlm bakul yg kecik tu.. n he will normally hold the bakul's handle n pull himself to a sitting position, dlm bakul, in the moving car, with ma's driving.. aiyooo so scary.. these days, we place hasif in his car seat.. seems like he's enjoying this.. wider view i guess.. esp if it's raining.. terdiam terus hasif.. khusyuk tgk wiper ngan air hujan..

waaa big boy in the car.. dah jadi mama's co-pilot skang..

- still relying on ma's milk.. Alhamdulillah.. blom campo with formula yet..

ehehe hasif tgh nak pumping ke tu..?

watching him growing up right in front of our very own eyes is priceless.. before, we can simply put him in the middle of the bed or on a clean mattress in front of the tv, surrounded with his toys n fully expecting him to be just there when we come back.. but now with his increasing mobility, we can no longer leave him unattended.. next thing we know hasif will be leaving home for college.. how time flies.. we will definitely treasure each and every moment that we have together..

Friday, November 2, 2007

Raya Gathering..

still in the spirit of raya, hasif on behalf of mama n papa are inviting all friends and families to our raya gathering..
date: sunday, 4th nov. 2007
time: 3 - 9pm
venue: our home sweet home in seri alam.. please contact call/sms/email either mama or papa for the address n map ok..
sooooooo eager to meet u guys there :)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

One Fine Day in the Hospital..

this is a very quick update after quite some times.. dekat dah nak bersawang pun dah blog ni.. :D for a sake of our memory, mama will try to write a little as this one is such an experience for us..

firstly million thanks to friends and families yg doa kan mama hasif cpt sihat.. i'm a stronger woman because of u guys chewahhhhhhh.. mama was discharged this afternoon.. Alhamdullilah..

everything started last sunday.. sunday morning we woke up early as we need to bring hasif to his paed, Doc Khaidir in Johor Specialist as Hasif has high fever, coughing and runny nose.. we had a busy morning since ramai gak org kat hosp at that time.. so grab a quick breakfast in the cafe.. mama with a piece of bun n milo.. n papa with ehemm.. papa mkn byk.. mama malas nak senarai kan :P n hasif had his share of papa's donut n kuih pau..

after out visit to the doc, we rushed to hasif's pak long's house.. eheheh dah bape hari raya baru la berkesempatan jumpa.. he's mama's eldest brother.. we had lunch at his house, but mama ate very little.. we went out from pak long's house around 1++ pm.. straight to metrojaya to get some new baju malam for hasif.. n after that we ate ayam penyet in benafe's cafe.. night time, we took nothing for dinner..

that was all we had the whole day.. but monday morning mama had a veryyyyyyy bad diarrhoea.. starting from 6am.. amazingly papa was ok.. approaching noon, mama's condition became worse.. complete package with severe vomitting.. mama had mc n went back n rest.. nite time, still diarrhoea but no vomitting.. so seems to be better.. so mama malas la nak mkn ubat dah.. but on tuesday it was still the same.. mama had bowel movement at a frequency of 3 times every half an hour.. and it was not a good thing cause mama became lethargic.. btw mama still came to office on tuesday though still have diarrhoea cause mama thought that it was better since no vomit.. but when the nite came, it became worse.. mama went to toilet every 5 minutes or so.. n vomit everything that i ate.. luckily papa was a charming hero.. when papa came back, he helped ma with the house chores.. normally mama fed hasif his dinner before 7 pm.. but since mama was very occupied with his temporary task of visiting the loo every 5 min, papa took over the task when he reached home around 7:30 pm.. mama slept early that nite since mama rasa penat sgt.. vomitted several times n steady bowel movement every 5 to 10 mins.. adoiii penat sgt rasa.. papa pujuk mama ajak g spital.. mama x mo.. mama ckp mama x larat sgt nak gerak.. tp sebena nye mama x larat + takut.. takut doc admit kat hosp sbb dehydration.. :P

mama tersedar kul 11pm bila dgr papa pujuk hasif suruh minum susu botol.. i thought it was the milk that i expressed during the day.. papa was really understanding.. papa x kejut kan mama pun utk susu kan hasif since he knew that i'm not feeling well that time.. tdso sekejap then bgn g toilet.. then tdo blk.. then bgn blk g toilet.. it was midnite at that time.. then papa turun plak buat kan porridge for us.. by that time mama ada high fever plak.. so papa dgn gigih nye tampal cool fever kt dahi mama.. cool fever tu hasif punye sebena nye.. for babies.. tp since kat umah x de yg for adult.. we just make do with whatever that we had..

wednesday morning mama woke up to the smell of brown rice porridge for hasif n chicken porridge for mama.. thank u so much papa.. mama x tau kul bape papa bgn pg tu tp bila mama bgn kul 7 sume nye dah siap.. :) we went to penawar hosp after that since it's near our place.. initially we planned to go to johor specialist but it's quite far.. spital yg tu kt town.. so we chose penawar instead.. as expected, mama was admitted since mama still had diarrhoea every 10 mins.. masuk berbotol2 air since the blood test n urine test showed tht mama's *** level is very very low.. *** psl mama pun dah x igt doc tu ckp ehehe.. papa jg mama ngan hasif dgn baik kt spital.. but the hosp is relatively small with only a few rooms.. when mama was admitted, only 6 bedded room available.. when hasif felt sleepy at 9pm, papa had to bring him back since the room was quite noisy.. but around 12am, papa called.. said hasif was asleep but suddenly woke up n cried non-stop.. so mama told papa to just bring hasif back to the hosp since it was already silent at tht time.. bila hasif smpi kul 1 am tu, mama ksk hasif susu n hasif trus tdo lena smpi pg.. ehehe hasif nak gak tdo bwh ketiak mama ye syg.. mama asked papa to go back home as i knew tht he must be very tired already.. no good nite rest for him also the previous nite..

this little episode in our life serves as a valuable lesson for us all.. first n foremost, we learnt to be independant.. last time when mama was hospitalised before giving birth to hasif, atok n uwan were here for support n to look after our welfare.. now we had to to do it on our own.. esp papa who had to take care not only for his wife, but also our adorable baby hasif.. it also serves as a reminder that how much we should value our family.. bila tgk papa dgn gigih nye layan mama yg tgh sakit perut n leka muntah2.. n at the same time tried to pujuk mama yg degil takut g spital.. mama mmg rasa terharu.. thank u so much.. we love u so much papa.. :)
** edited by hasif at 11:27 pm
mama still had diarrhoea.. another 5 bowel movement since this evening until now.. must be the food that ma took for lunch :(