Monday, March 31, 2008

Another Weekend..

we already had bbq last week.. but papa said best la, we better hv bbq again.. so ok la.. but this time only the 3 of us.. no chicken this time.. only one big barramundi n some prawns..


after.. yg itam tu is only the scales .. the flesh remains juicy..

before.. jejari halus yg leka menganyam udang tu yelah jejari papa ehehe..


bila dah kenyang, duduk melenggang perut dulu.. 5pm, we went out.. this is hasif n papa before going out.. hasif tgh gosok gigi ke tu..???

yeayyyyyyyyyyyy.. sape nak cekelat..??

the mission of the outing..? papa want to give ma a present.. double yeaaaa... thanks heaps papa.. it's not my birthday but soooooooooooooooooo happy to get the gift + a little bonus.. ehehehe love u so much papa.. mama n hasif doa kan papa bertambah2 murah rezeki di masa depan.. Aminnn..


spectacularwave said...

sayang oi, dapat laptop eh? jealous ni, jealous!! eehehehhe..

i just did something important. please pray that it will be successful ya strawb...

Anonymous said...

alahai spec.. laptop biasa2 je..x la state of the art sgt pun.. so x yah la jeles ehehehehe.. but for me it's the thought tht counts kan.. hubby sian tgk i dok bwk blk keje n dok conquer pc tu mlm2 kot ahaha..

spec.. i pray hard tht u will be successful in whatever u do.. btw is tht the geng 14 tu ke spec..? anyway good luck sis..