Monday, March 31, 2008

Meh Bukak Kedai Jajan..

ma took half day today in the afternoon.. the works are piling up in the office, but since the big bos is not around, i better took advantage of the situation.. besides papa is not working today.. biasa la monday..

so 12:30 pm, pa n hasif picked up ma in the office..

waa hasif u are so lucky to have ur own portable bed in the car.. during our time..? none available..

the purpose of the outing..? we want to buy some snacks, for hasif's upcoming birthday (as a birthday favour to bring to hasif's nursery n also during his small birthday party) n also for upcoming wedding of ma's niece.. first we hit the apollo factory in larkin.. next it is the wholesale shop in sg segget..

waa byk kan.. but it's still not enough.. we'll have to make another trip for some more items.. td dah x larat nak beli since the wholesale store is small n stuffy.. jadik pening pale..

i pray hard tht i manage to resist the evil temptation to consume all of the junk foods.. ppl who know me shall know that i really love this kind of junkies eheheh.. psl tu montel ;)


Ina said...

wah nk smbut besday hasif ke. byk nyer junk foods leh buat bukak gerai ni hehe. nnt sure ada kek bagai masa besday hasif. bestnya. hasif dh besar. nnt upload pics bbyk ek mama hasif :)

rerama salju said...

Wah..dah nak setawon dah Hasif yg cute ni yek,kalau ada jajan lebey tu kasi pas-pas lah kat org sini..huhuhu

spectacularwave said...

nak sikit appolo.. eh nak banyak appolo.. :D

masa bulan puasa pun i ada gi.. saja survey tempat tu. red devil yang bagi tips. :D

Anonymous said...

ina.. sorry lmbt nye aku menjwb eh.. x smpt lak lately.. bz semedang lak .. ha ah la ina.. kejap je hasif dah beso.. seminggu lg cukup setaun dah.. junk food bebyk tu dah susut byk la ina :( mama hasif dah abis kan dkt sekotak apollo dha.. aisehh..

Anonymous said...

rerama.. jap je dah setuan ehehe.. sedar2 sok anak dah nak kawen lak (uhuhuhu berangan je lebih ni).. eheheh klakar rs bila dgr jajan lebih.. adoii aku dok takut aku yg abis kan sume skali x smpt nak tgu party sok eheh..

Anonymous said...

blehhhhhhhhhhh spec.. meh dtg sini meh.. i leh kasik u sekotak.. spesel ni :D tu la.. ms nak raya dulu lg i dok terliur tgk red beli smpi berplastik2.. tp leceh skit nak g sana psl dia time opis hour je.. slalu kalau nak ape2 kat situ, i kirim kt abg i yg dok jb tu je.. ni la br skali dpt gi sendiri situ.. hasif pun geram je tgk jajan byk2 tu.. x tentu arah dia dibuat nye.. lawak tul..