Sunday, March 2, 2008


i tried a good meal the other night.. thanks heaps to Umi D for her marvelous n easy-to-prepare recipe.. the recipe had been in my possession for months already, but only decided to prepare it now.. the ingredients are fairly simple, angel hair spagetti, prawns, grated parmesan cheese, egg, capsicum and a bit of flour..

the meal has no name, so we decided to call it cheesy prawn spagetti.. it turns out great, but next time we decided to add more cheese for extra umphh and extra dash of fat ehehe..

i pair it with grilled chicken..
thanks ki for the wonderful recipe of cheesy prawn spagetti.. we love it..! but hasif has no opportunity to try it as he already sleep when we had dinner (around 9pm)..


Anonymous said...

uhmmmmmm... yummy yummy..... Mama hasif nie pandai masak tau....luv u sweatie.

Anonymous said...

ti apa kata post recipe skali...yum yum sgt la tgk pix nih..slurrppp...

Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

ala tt oiiii..sedapnya la pulakk!!grilled meh recipe grilled chicken tuh...apo nak lotak eh??

Anonymous said...

eheheh tq papa.. rajin masak kalau ada assistance la ;) luv u too :D

Anonymous said...

wohoooo.. hebat asmbutan utk resipi ki ni.. okeh resipi dia:

1) angel hair spagetti - rebus smpi lembut ke al dente ke.. ikut suka la kan..
2) udang - buang kulit
3) garam
4) capsicum - potong dadu
5) bawang besa - potong dadu
6) grated parmesan cheese
7) telur sebijik
8) tepung skit

gaul bahan 1-6.. pecah kan telur n pukul.. campur dlm adunan.. ltk tepung skit n kacau2 lagi.. rupa dia nanti mcm adunan tepung jemput2 la gitu tp jgn la byk sgt kot kan tepung gandum tu.. masuk kan dalam fridge jap.. pastu bentuk kan la n grg pki minyak skit sgt takat x kasik lekat je(heheeh betul kan ni ki)..

tp next time aku igt nak try ltk daging n tomato puree campo lada grg skali.. pastu nak baked instead of grg.. mcm sodap gak rasa nye ehehe..

kalau kau nak msk kasik irsa mkn skali, x yah letak telur pun aku rs mcm ok azni.. n leh la ganti ltk daging instead of udang.. tp daging tu kau boil la jap kasik lembut baru gaul2 dlm adunan td..

Anonymous said...

ala ki.. ati ltk menda biasa je.. gamba je yg mcm sodap tu ehehe.. tumbuk2 bawang kecik ngan garlic ngan halia.. campo kat ayam, ltk kicap ngan sos tiram skit.. pastu ati gaul tepung jagung skit nak kasik coat luar u crispy skit.. ms grill x yah la ltk minyak meskipun kita ltk tepung jagung.. psl ayam tu nanti kuar minyak kan eheh..

Anonymous said...

ops ki.. ati silap tulis lak td.. bukan tepung jagung tp tepung beras eheheh :D

Anonymous said...

cam ala2 murtabak ek methodnya..eheheh cam la aku pandai buat murtabak..agak2 jer..
betul la ti bleh bagi irsa nih..nak modify seket la...sure dia excited

Anonymous said...

ahahah sama kan ngan murtabak la pulok :P tp betul kan azni.. leh la try kat irsa kot2 dia suka.. leh tmbh satu lg meal dia..

rerama salju said...

since I malas masak,I mkn kat umah u jer lah ya...woohoo.....

Anonymous said...

wokeh.. walang problemo.. mai la terbang dtg sini rerama :P specially cooked for u lg nanti tu eheh..

spectacularwave said...

strawb, ur menu sedap-sedap le.. suka lah.. baru nak minta recipe, rupanya dah ada kat sini... hmmm yum yum betul ni...